Directory of Phoebe Willowbark
New Spells
Astral Gateway This spell is
simply designed to replicate the Astral Gateway power of free spirits.
It is a sustained spell with voluntary target required, and is only
really useful on non-initiates, adepts and mundanes who cannot reach the
metaplanes. The casting magician can opt to either make the spell into
an anchored spell, or s/he can sustain the spell for as long as the
astral quest takes. For some astral quests, it is obviously easier to
make anchored spells due to the sheer amount of time the spell must be
sustained. Of course, a bound elemental can be shackled with the spell,
leaving the casting magician free to join in the quest. It takes one
spell per individual, and requires only one success. Manipulation
Spell Type: Mana Range: Touch Target:
10 - Magic (ie; TN to affect mundanes is 10) Duration:
Sustained Drain: [(F÷2) + 4] S
Cryobomb The cryobomb is an area-effect ice
spell that is designed to freeze its target(s) to a point where they die
from cryolysis (the cells break due to ice forming). Half impact armour
resists the base damage of Serious. At the GM's discretion, this spell
may cause elemental affects. Manipulation
Spell Type: Physical Range:
LOS Target: Body (R) Duration:
Instant Damage: (Force)S Area-effect Drain: [(F÷2)+
4] D
Cryostrike Cryostrike is a single-target
version of cryobomb. Half impact armour resists the base damage of
Moderate. Manipulation Spell Type:
Physical Range: LOS Target: Body
(R) Duration: Instant Damage:
(Force)M Drain: [(F÷2)+ 1]S
Taser Taser is a manipulation spell designed to
cripple an enemy by disrupting his muscles with jolts of electricity. It
is a sustained manipulation spell with a target of Strength (resisted).
Every 2 extra successes in the caster's favour drops the target's
Strength by one. When the target's strength is reduced to zero, he is
paralysed. The target can regain control once paralysis has set in (at
which point the spell is dropped) by making a Willpower (4) Test, each 2
successes regaining him a point of strength. However, this means he has
to resist a (Force)M stun damage. Manipulation
Spell Type: Physical Range:
LOS Target: Strength (R) Duration:
Sustained Drain: [(F÷2)+1]S
Trip Trip is a manipulation spell designed to
knock down standing targets within it's area of effect. It uses the
Elemental Effect of Blast to achieve this, and can be forceful enough to
cause Stun Damage. Living targets struck by this spell make a knockback
test to see if they fall down, with a target equal to force plus 1 per 2
successes the casting magician obtains. If the target succeeds at the
knockdown test, he keeps his feet, but must resist (Force)M Stun.
Inanimate objects which can fall over are assumed to have done so unless
of a reasonable size, shape or importance (ie; a Citymaster).
Manipulation Spell Type: Physical Range:
LOS Target: Body (R) Damage: (Force)M
Stun Duration: Instant Drain: (F÷2)D
Trauma Transfer Trauma Transfer is
a health spell which converts physical wounds to Stun damage on a
wounded victim. The spell cannot be used to transfer wounds from subject
A to subject B (that's called blood magic, folks). The caster rolls
against a target number of 10 - Essence (of the victim), each success
transferring one box of physical damage to the mental condition monitor.
Any extra successes reduce the time it takes. The target does not get to
resist this mental damage (it is assumed to be energy tken from the body
to heal the physical wounds). Note - If the mental condition
monitor flows over, physical damage will ensue, thereby limiting the
effectiveness of the spell to 10 boxes of damage. If this makes the
target unconscious, so be it. Deadly Physical damage will still have a
chance to affect attribute loss, etc. It should be noted that this
spell does not conflict with Treat and/or Heal spells cast on the
subject. For this reason, Gamemasters may need to monitor the use of
this spell, as is allows low-essence characters to heal their wounds
much faster. As low-essence characters are usually much harder to hurt,
this can be a problem. Health Spell Type:
Mana Range: Touch Target: 10 -
Essence Duration: Permanent
Light - 5 turns Moderate - 10 turns Serious
- 15 turns Deadly (7 squares and above) - 20
turns Drain: [(F÷2) +2 WL]
Grav Flux A truly nasty spell, Grav Flux
essentially turns gravity on its head for a very short period of time
within an area - long enough to propel any non-secured objects a number
of metres into the air equal to twice force of the spell before it turns
off, letting the victim(s) plummet into the ground. This gives (Force)D
falling damage, half impact armour resisting. Note that if a roof is
in the way, and interrupts the "falling" character, resolve damage for
hitting the roof as if the character had fallen that many metres. And
when the flux dissipates, the character falls again. Harsh,
yes. Again, note that a character with a delayed action may choose to
grab hold of a nearby object and ride out the flux, assuming one is
within reach at either end of the oscillation. A reaction test with a
target equal to the force of the spell is needed (one success is
sufficient). At the gamemaster's discretion, characters without a
delayed action may also be able to grab hold of things, at a suitably
higher target number. Inanimate objects (not vehicles) are treated as
normal, but as if they had been hit by a Blast Elemental effect if small
enough. Note that the spell uses no elemental effect - it is simply a
method of assessing the damage. The pure physicists among you will no
doubt note that no object falls 24 meters in one combat turn.... it is
advised that you ignore the rules of physics in this case. If it really
bothers you, assume that no-one in the area of effect can take actions
as they fall, and let combat continue around them as normal. Calculating
the 'time in flight' is up to you; I'm sure you know the
equations. Manipulation Spell Type:
Physical Range: LOS Target: Body (R) or as per
Object Resistance Table Damage: (Force)D
(Falling) Duration: Instant Drain:
Waterbomb A home-modified version of Flamebomb,
this spell is identical except that it uses the elemental effect of
Water, and does Stun damage into the affected area. Any nonmagical fires
not sustained by an extraordinarily flammable fuel source, or otherwise
shielded, are also considered to be extingiushed. In cases of conflict,
the GM is advised to use his judgement or discretion. Manipulation
Spell Type: Physical Range:
LOS Target: Body (R) Damage: (Force)M
Stun Duration: Instant Drain: