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Mow Top: Subcompact, x-hvy. chassis, improved suspension, medium power plant, 4 HD tires, driver, 10 points of component armor for driver, EWP with MML and 10 points of armor top, EWP ejection system. Armor: F20, R15, L15, B15, T6, U6. Accel. 10, top speed 110/120 without EWP, HC 3; 2,750 lbs., $4,997. DJ

Capsule: Subcompact, stnd. chassis, OR suspension, small power plant, 4 solid tires, driver, 10 points of component armor for driver and power plant. Armor: F12, L9, R9, B7, T1, U2. Accel. 5, top speed 95, HC 2/3 OR; 2,250 lbs., $4,990. DJ

Firewalker: Subcompact, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant with PC, 4 PR tires, driver, mini-rocket platform with 2 linked LRs, FOJ rear. Armor: F16, L16, R16, B22, T6, U6 with 4 5-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,520 lbs., $4,852. DJ

Fire Maker: Subcompact, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant with PC, 4 PR tires, driver, FCE rear. Armor: F15, L17, R17, B25, T6, U6 with 4 5-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,520 lbs., $4,545. DJ Baker: Subcompact, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant with SC, 4 PR tires, driver, FT with HT fuel rear. Armor: F6, L7, R7, B11, T3, U3 with 4 5-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,640 lbs., $4,607. DJ Vicious:Subcompact, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant, 4 standard tires, driver, VMG front. Armor: F10, L5, R5, B5, T2, U2 with 4 2-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,397 lbs., $4,699. DJ Amex Combat Autoworks Penny Pincher II: Subcompact, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant with PC, 4 PR tires, driver, MML front, JD rear linked to MML. Armor: F18, L14, R14, B14, T2, U6 with 4 5-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,520 lbs., $4,298. DJ

Gnat: Subcompact, stnd. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant, 4 HD tires, driver, two AP HRs front, targeting laser front and LGL for HRs. Armor: F12, L9, R9, B9, T4, U5. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 4; 2,300 lbs., $4,978. DJ

Sunshine: Subcompact, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant w/PC & SC, 4 PR tires, driver, MLS front, SWC. Armor: F25, L15, R15, B15, T5, U5 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,760 lbs., $9,980. DJ

Amex Rocket Miser: Subcompact, x-hvy. chassis, light suspension, small power plant with PC and SC, 4 HD tires, driver, LMG front, 3 linked MRs on REWPs (one top, one left, one right). Sloped armor: F17, L12, R12, B11, T2, U2. Accel. 5, top speed 82.5 (92.5 without REWPs), HC 2; 2,615 lbs., $4,998. DJ

Amex Combat Autoworks Iguana III: Subcompact, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant with PC, 4 PR tires, driver, RR front. Armor: F16, L12, R12, B10, T1, U3 with 4 3-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 2,518 lbs., $4,834. Update by DJ

Killer Kart '46: Subcompact, stnd. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant, 4 HD tires, driver, LMG front, 10 points of component armor for driver. Armor: F14, L14, R14, B14, T2, U2. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 4: 2,300 lbs., $3,660. DJ

Arena Dancer: Subcompact, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant w/PC, 4 HD tires, driver, 2 linked MMLs front, spoiler. Armor: F21, L17, R17, B17, T2, U4. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 4/5 @ 60+; 2,500 lbs., $4,983. DJ

Firebomb: Subcompact, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small power plant w/PC & SC, 4 HD tires, driver, Spear 1000 MD w/napalm ammo rear, bumper trigger rear. Armor: F30, L30, R30, B30, T7, U9. Accel. 5, top speed 80, HC 4; 2,750 lbs., $4,746. NM

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