Passenger/Crew Lounge: $400, 50 lbs. per space. Can only be placed in Vans and larger vehicles.

Oversized Vehicle Airfoil (OVA): $1,500 and 150 lbs. per pair. -1 from all maneuvers and crash table results above 60, regardless of the number of foils on the mounting vehicles(s). Oversized vehicles larger than 35 spaces (20' feet) must mount two pairs for benefit. Cannot be retrofitted; must be part of original design. A foil is destroyed when a section of side armor its mounted on is destroyed. A destroyed foil will negate the effects of all other foils on the vehicle and any carried on towed trailers.

Both items designed by Don Jacques.

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Amex Lead Swarm: 40' bus, x-hvy. chassis, regular truck power plant, 10 SBPR tires, driver, 2 gunners, 2 universal turrets each with 4 linked HMGs with HD ammo, BC front, FCGS with 5 magazines rear, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, tool kit, 2 spare tires, extra driver controls, HD shocks, HD brakes, no-paint winshield, tinted windows, vehicular computer for driver, hi-res computer for each gunner, streamlining. Sloped armor: F66, sides-top-back 45 each, UF30, UB30, 6 10-point wheelguards, 6 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 135, HC 1; 25,083 lbs., $135,454.

Amex Praire Schooner 2042: 40' bus, x-hvy. chassis, regular truck power plant, 10 SBPR tires, driver, 2 gunners, 9 passengers, 2 universal turrets each with one BC and magazine of HESH and magazine switch located one each TF and TB, VMG with explosive ammo front, FOJ rear with HT fuel, 10 points of FP component armor for FOJ, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, long range radar, tool kit, 2 spare tires, bulk ammo box - BC, extra driver controls, extra-heavy quick release hitch with 10 points of armor, HD shocks, HD brakes, 2 pairs of OVAs, 2 space passenger lounge, no paint/tinted windows, vehicular computer for driver, hi-res computer for each gunner. Sloped armor: F64, sides-top-back 45 each, UF30, UB30, 6 10-point wheelguards, 6 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 122.5 unloaded, 100 full load, HC 1; 25,087 lbs., $133,466. Can tow up to 14,913 lbs. DJ

2044 Praire Schooner: Replace VMG with HMG with explosive ammo. Passenger Lounge up to 3 spaces. Add 2 points of armor. 25,073 lbs., $134,054.

2044 Praire Clipper (BC version): Remove passenger lounge: add streamlining. Add 9 points of armor. $136,750; 25,085 lbs. Top speed 135 unloaded/110 full load. Can tow 14,915 lbs.

Hermes: 30' bus, x-hvy. chassis, medium power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 6 passengers, RR with magazine in universal turrets TF and TB, HDOJ with magazine rear, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, spare tire, 2 pairs of oversized vehicle airfoils, HD shocks, streamlining. Sloped armor: F65, B45, sides 40 each, TF45, TB45, UF30, UB30, 6 10-point wheelguards and 6 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 112.5, HC 1; 19,125 lbs., $68,820. DJ

Charging Bull: 40' bus, x-hvy. chassis, regular power plant with PC & SC, 10 solid tires, driver, 2 gunners, 2 linked BCs with magazine each front, AC with magazine in universal turrets TF and TB, MD with magazine and napalm loads located one each RB, LB, and B (linked), 2 MR smoke rockets rear, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, 2 spare tires, tool kit, tow bar, 2 space crew lounge, extra-heavy quick release hitch, 10 points of hitch armor, HD shocks, HD brakes, extra driver controls, 2 pairs of oversized vehicle airfoils, no paint/tinted windows, vehicular computer, streamlining. Sloped armor: F90, sides-back 45 each, TF50, TB50, UF30, UB30, 6 10-point wheelguards and 6 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 142.5 unloaded, 110 loaded, HC 1; 25,080 lbs., $147,530. Tow up to 20,000 lbs. maximum. DJ

Magnum Motors Interstate: 40' bus, x-hvy. chassis, regular power plant, 10 solid tires, driver, 2 gunners, 8 passengers, HVMG front with magazine filled with explosive ammo and magazine switch, sponson mounted FG RB and LB, VMG with explosive ammo in universal turret TF and TB, HDFOJ with magazine rear, infrared, improved fire extinguisher, bulk ammo box for VMG - explosive ammo, 2 spare tires, extra driver controls, 2 pair of OVAs, HD shocks, streamlining. Sloped armor: F75, B45, LF40, LB45, RF40, RB45, TF45, TB45, UF30, UB30, 6 10-point wheelguards and 6 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 135, HC 1; 25,160 lbs., $114,460. DJ

Foster 2047 Busnought G: 40' bus, x-hvy. chassis, regular power plant, 10 solid tires, driver, 2 gunners, 8 passengers, VMG front and rear, MG in sponson turret LR & RR, MD rear, AC w/magazine in 4-space universal turret TF, Pulse TwL in universal turret TB, laser battery, spare solid tire, tool kit, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, extra driver controls, 2 pairs of OVAs, 2 space passenger lounge, streamlining. Sloped armor: F53, sides-top 45 each, UF30, UB30, B50, 6 10-point wheelguards and 6 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 135, HC 1; 25,079 lbs., $134,102. update by DJ

Conquistador Cactus: 30' bus, x-hvy. chassis, medium power plant, 10 solid tires, driver, 2 gunners, 10 passengers, FG front and rear, FG in sponson turret LR & RR, MLS in universal turrets TF & TB, laser battery, improved fire extinguisher. Armor: F40, sides-back 39 each, TF35, TB35, UF25, UB25, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 19,175 lbs., $70,125. DJ

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