Mini-Sub Construction
Mini-Sub Construction

Rider Watersleds:

Rider Watersleds are basically long tubes which houses an engine and carries a rider and possibly other crew on top. It is not very manoeuvrable, and is basically considered an underwater taxi. All crew are exposed and must supply their own life support. Also note that while the Sled can dive down to 1000 feet, the crew themselves can't.

FramePriceWt.LoadMax LoadSpaces$/lbsHCHeight
1 Person Sled$1,000150 lbs.850 lbs.48/423'
2 Person Sled$1,500200 lbs.1,200 lbs.510/513'
Large Sled$2,000350 lbs.1,500 lbs.612/614'

Boat Powerplant (Mini or Small Electric only)
Boat propeller
Diver and crew/passengers
Armour (five locations - all but top)
Accessories (Noise reduction, and basic sub accessories)

Top speed is equal to: (100*PF)/(PF+Weight)
Acceleration is worked out as boats. Maximum acceleration is 15 mph.

Rider Watersleds are -2 to be hit from the side, and -3 to be hit from the front.


The submarines are based on modern tourist and adventure subs of the late 20th C, specifically the experimental DeepFlight subs. These subs don't use ballast or buoyancy devices, and treat the sub as an aircraft underwater. They also have neutral buoyancy and so there is usually no conventional up or down in the vessel. As a result though, these subs aren't designed for depth, as they are for speed and streamlining. They are also dry subs, with no wetsuits needed for operation, although veteran divers will wear them for safety.

FramePriceWt.LoadMax LoadSpaces$/lbsHCHeight
One Man Sub$2,5001,200 lbs.2,400 lbs.610/533.5'
Mini Sub$4,0001,500 lbs.3,800 lbs.916/834'
Two Man Sub$6,0002,000 lbs.6,000 lbs.1520/1024'
Large Sub$7,5002,600 lbs.7,000 lbs.19(+3)24/1225'
Cargo Sub$10,0003,000 lbs.9,400 lbs.22(+5)30/1525'

Frame (Includes 10 man hours of air, basic outside lightning, no communications)
Boat Powerplant (Electric only)
Boat Propeller
Diver and crew/passengers
Armour (6 locations)

Subs may have a Heavy Chassis, which represents a strengthening of the frame so that it may carry heavier loads. This costs 100% of the frame cost and gives a +10% bonus to the maximum load.

Top Speed is equal to: (240*PF)/(PF+Weight)
Acceleration is equal to Boats acceleration. Max Acceleration, after all accessories is 15 mph.
Note that with EWP's and turrets all taking drag, a sub can slow down real quick. A sub thus only ever takes a maximum of 20% speed loss due to drag (thus total all the percentages due to turrets, EWP's and other accessories, and then only take the first 20%).

Accessories available:
Jet Drive, Noise Reduction, EWP's (drag as cars), Rocket EWP's (hold torpedoes), Rocket Magazines, Sponson Weapon Mounts, Turrets & Cupolas (Top and under, although don't sink or ground!), Roll cages. Upto 1 pair of aircraft manoeuvre foils may be mounted on Mini+ subs.

SubTurretEWPCounter SizeSonar RangeFrontSides
One ManNone1 Space1/2"*1"100"-1-1
Mini1 Space2 Space1/2"*1"100"-10
Two Man2 Space2 Space3/4"*1 1/2"200"+0+1
Large3 Space3 Space1"*1 3/4"200"+0+1
Cargo3 Space4 Space1"*2"500"+1+2

Front and Sides are the targeting modifiers when shooting at the sub.
Turrets are of the underwater type (although this waterproofing is free), but they do produce drag as normal (-10% mph).

One Man, Mini and Two man subs have their crew lying prone. Larger subs actually have their crew seated. All subs are dry inside and hold their crew at 1 atmosphere (initially).

Diving Depth:
Each sub has a maximum safe depth to which it can dive. This is worked out by taking the lowest armour on the body of the sub (the basic six sides only, not any EWP's or accessories), and then multiplying that by the Frame rating (listed below). This will yield a value in feet that is the subs diving limit. Divide this by 15 to get the depth in game inches.


Frames are normal unless modified.

Underwater Weapons:

WeaponEffectTo-hitDamageShots DPCostWghtSpc.CPSWPS $Lbs
Speargun-81D102$75090 lbs.1501$1,250100 lbs.
Max range: 15"
Heavy Speargun-82D53$1,000150 lbs.21505$1,750175 lbs.
Max range: 20"
Whale Harpoon-94D15$2,000350 lbs.3250100$2,250450 lbs.
Max range: 30"
Speargun Options:
Explosive Bolts--+2/die-----*4---
    For Spearguns and Whale Harpoons. Bolts may be linked to a winch (not explosive bolts)
Micro Torpedo--1D+211$12550 lbs.1/3--$12550 lbs.
Torpedo Options:
Pin Point Targeting-----+$200------
    For any torpedo. Allows it to target any object 2' or larger in diameter (including people and large animals)

Bluegreen Lasers are also a common (albeit expensive) weapon used underwater.
Spearguns and Whale Harpoons do not need to be waterproofed and can operate underwater with no penalty.

Other underwater weapons:

Aqua mine: 1/2 space, 50 lbs, $300, 2 DP
This is a mine that can be set to any depth (down to 5,000 ft). Use a 1/4*1/4" counter and treat the mine as a regular mine with a contact area of 1/4" radius around it. Damage is 3D.
Deep mine: 1/2 space, 75 lbs, $500, 3 DP
Acts as a Aqua mine with a depth of 15,000 ft.
Proximity Fuse (for Aqua and Deep mines): 0 space, 0 lbs, $*1.5
Gives the mine a 1/2" radius

Underwater Equipment:

Air hookups: 0 space, 0 lbs, $50
Allows 1 diver per hookup to share a subs air supply and conserve their own.
Undersea communications are difficult. The traditional method is for using hand signals, or lights. But recently has come the development of man portable Ultrasonic communicators which divers and subs can use. The are rated for a maximum depth and a maximum range which is typically much less than an earthbound equivalent. They also cannot transmits to normal earthbound receivers, and thus to be able to speak with other users, surface dwellers have to use a special receiver.

  • Basic sub model, 0 space, 25 lbs, $6,000.
    Range: 10 km, Depth: 2,000 ft
  • HD sub model, 1 space, 50 lbs, $9,000, 1 DP.
    Range: 15 km, Depth: 10,000 ft
  • Surface model, 1 space, 50 lbs, $10,000, 2.
    Range: 10 km, Depth: 2,500 ft
  • HD surface model, 2 space, 100 lbs, $15,000, 2 DP.
    Range: 20 km, Depth: 15,000 ft
LDR's are the norm for surface to surface communications, but obviously these only function when the sub has surfaced.
Communications pole: 1 space, 20 lbs, $250, 2 DP
Extends to 15'. Allows a sub with an extended pole out of the water to use LDR and other above water communications equipment (includes Radar). Retracts when not in use. The sub must buy an LDR, and can only receive transmissions while the pole is up. The pole may also be built into a periscope at +5 lbs and +$150 to the periscopes cost.
Diver rails: 0 space, 50 lbs, $250
Allows divers to hold onto the sub (2 per 1/4" of counter (1 diver per side)).
EVA or water room: 0 space, 0 lbs, $0
This is built by component armouring an area of the sub (can be cargo area). A bilge pump is required, as is a door leading to the outside ($750, 50 lbs). An optional door leading from the area to the sub can also be bought ($300, 10 lbs). Operations goes as follows: To leave the sub, the room is pumped with water (at 1 space a turn), and then the outside door is opened (taking 1 turn). While open, any shots on that side will hit the interior (and the CA) on a 1-3 on 1D. To get back in, the reverse happens. The outside door is opened, the person or object is carried aboard, the outside door is shut, and if required, the water is pumped out (at 1 space per turn). This water will not sink the sub, but at 500 lbs per space, it may seriously hinder the subs operations, and will require re-calculation of speed and acceleration. If the sub moves with the outside door open, it is treated as 10% speed loss drag, above and beyond normal drag the craft may be suffering.
Extra air supply: 1 space, 100 lbs, $800, 2 DP
Gives an additional 12 man-hours of air. May be lent to divers by using Air Hookups
Improved lightning: 0 space, 25 lbs, $500, 1 DP
Targeted at -3. Increases visibility in all directions to 200%.
Manipulator arm - light: 1 space, 75 lbs, $8,000, 3 DP
Manipulator arm - heavy: 1 space, 150 lbs, $12,500, 5 DP
Arms allow a sub to manipulate stuff, slowly. Light are targeted at -4, Heavy at -3 They can be used to attack at TH 9. Light does 1D-3 damage, Heavy does 1D. Arms produce drag just like an EWP, and this is in addition to any EWPs mounted. They can extend upto 6' in front of the vessel. The light arm can move 1000 lbs, while the heavy arm can move 3000 lbs.
Retractable man. arm - light: 3 spaces, 100 lbs, $9,000, 3 DP
Retractable man. arm - heavy: 3 spaces, 150 lbs, $13,500, 5 DP
Exactly like standard manipulator arms when extended, but they can be retracted so that they will not cause drag and cannot be targeted. It takes 5 seconds to extend or retract the arms.
Reinforced frame: 0 space, +25% lbs, $+100%
Allows a sub to go to deeper depths than normal. Not available for One Man subs. Prices and weight are based on the subs Frame.
Retractable periscope: 2 spaces, 75 lbs, $950, 2 DP
Extends to 15'. Takes 1 turn per 5'.
Sonar proof armour: 3 times cost of normal armour, same weight.
All parts of a vehicle must be armoured with Sonar Proof armour, or else any benefits are lost. Cannot be mixed with other armour types.
A vehicle with SP armour is invisible to vessels equipped with sonar on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6 with the following modifiers to the die roll:

Target Vehicle has unarmoured EWP's or Rocket EWP's:+1
Target Vehicle has periscope deployed:+1
Target Vehicle is operating at: Zero - 25% speed:-1
Target Vehicle is operating at: 25 - 50% speed:+0
Target Vehicle is operating at: 50 - 75% speed:+1
Target Vehicle is operating at: 75% - max speed:+2
Target Vehicle is over half normal sonar detecting range:-1
Target Vehicle is using sonar+2
Per side of target vehicle breached+1
Target has propeller noise reduction system-2
Target has fired weapon(s) that turn+1

A natural one means that a vehicle is undetected.
Homing torpedoes must also be able to detect a vessel with SP armour before it can lock onto it. Roll to see if the torpedo locks on before firing. If it doesn't lock on, then it will not fire that turn, but future attempts may be made.

Equipment from the Uncle Albert's Catalogues and Autoduel Quaterly magazines that might be useful:

Bilge pump:1 space, 200 lbs, $500UACFH, pg:124
Blue green lasers:0 space, 0 lbs, $+25%
Depth Finder:0 space, 0 lbs, $500UACFH, pg:126
Depth charge - normal:1 space, 100 lbs, $250, 5 DPUACFH, pg:15
Depth charge - large:2 space, 250 lbs, $500, 8 DPUACFH, pg:15
Foxer:1/2 space, 50 lbs, $300, 2 DPUACFH, pg:127
Jet drive:2 space, 200 lbs, $5,000, 4 DPUACFH, pg:128
Periscope:1 space, 50 lbs, $800, 2 DPUACFH, pg:102
Propeller noise reduction:1 space, 150 lbs, $8,000UACFH, pg:129
    (A vehicle using the Propeller noise reduction system forces a vehicle using sonar to roll to see if they detect the craft (and thus homing torpedoes as well). The roll is 1-2 with standard modifiers from the sonar table.)
Scientific sonar:1 space, 200 lbs, $5,000ADQ 9/3,pg:21
Sonar:1 space, 100 lbs, $4,000UACFH, pg:129/130
Sonar IFF:0 space, 0 lbs, $200UACFH, pg:74
Sonar jammer:1 space, 150 lbs, $3,000ADQ 9/3, pg:21


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