The Demon Princes by Jack Vance The Book of Dreams From The Book of Dreams: Raise your eyes, stranger, to that age-worn rampart which confronts all else--there stand the paladins, stern, grave, serene Each is one, each is all. At the center is Imrrur of the graces. He controls certain sleights of magic, he is master of ploys and plots and awful surprises. He is Immir the unpredictable and claims no single color. At Immir's right hand stands Jeha Rais, who is tall in majesty and whose color is black. He is sagacious and always first to notice a far event, for which he construes eventualities. Then he points his finger, to direct the gaze of the other paladins. He is without qualm and advocates decisiveness. Sometimes he is known as "Jsha the Inexorable." He wears a black garment, supple and close as his skin, a black cape and a black morion, fixed at the crest with an orb of crystal in a silver star-blaze. At Immir's left hand stands Lons Hohenger, whose color is the red of new blood. He is the fierce, impulsive and reckless, and ever reluctant to leave the slaying grounds, though of all the paladins he can be most generous. He lusts after fair women and they deny him at great risk to their dignity. Should they make complaint or give chiding, his redress is even more fulsome. When finally he leaves the bed their voices are still and they look longingly after him. Green Mewness stands beside Loris Hohenger. Expert in skills is Mewness. He can fling a bridge or topple a tower; he is patient, cunning, and if the road is closed to right and left, he finds a way between. His memory is exact; he never forgets a face or a name and he knows the ways of a hundred worlds. Soft men of wealth think him ingenuous in his dealings, to their ultimate consternation. Yellow Spangleway is wry, astonishing, and ignores every precedent. He is antic and droll, and able in the acting of roles. All the paladins, save only one, laugh to see his capers; when the time is appropriate all--save only one--dance to his musics, for Spangleway can elicit sweet sounds from a dangling pig, should he so choose to turn his skills. Never think to match Spangleway jape for jape, since his knife is even keener than his wit. In battle, the enemy cries out: "Where is the laggard Spangleway?" or: "Aha! The coward Spangleway takes to his heels'" only to have him on their necks from a new direction, or in some shocking guise. Beside Jeha Rais stands gentle Rhune Fader the Blue. In battle, though he is dauntless and first to succor a hard-pressed paladin, he is also first to urge mercy and forbearance. He is slim, tall, clear of feature, and handsome as the summer sunrise; he is skilled in the arts and graces and sensitive to beauty in all things, especially the beauty of shy maidens upon whom he casts a glamour. Alas, in the battle councils the voice of Rhune Fader carries little weight. Beside blue Rhune, and a little apart, stands eerie white Eia Panice, whose hair, eyes, long teeth, and skin are white. He wears a full casque of white metal and little of his face can be seen: a high-bridged hooked nose, a harsh chin, gleaming eyes. In the councils he speaks, for the most part, either "yea" or "nay," but more often than not his word decides the issue, for he seems to know the ways of Destiny. Alone among the paladins he is unmoved by the droll contrivances of Spangleway. Indeed, on those occasions when his grim smile is seen, then is the time for all who can to depart and never look back lest they discover the limpid gaze of Eia Panice fixed into their own. So then, stranger, go your way. When at last you make your homecoming, wherever it may be among the sparkling worlds, bring report of those who stand brooding yonder. From The Demon Princes by Caril Carphen: ... we turn the focus of our attention upon Howard Alan Treesong, his wry exploits and the incredible virtuosity of his organizational genius. At the outset let me, in all candor, confess my awe and perplexity: I do not know where to start. He is possibly the greatest rogue of all (if, in that perfervid ambience surrounding the Demon Princes, such niceties of comparison carry any shred of conviction). Certainly he is attended by the most extravagant contradictions. His cruelty is wanton and horrid, so that his occasional magnanimities are cast into sharp relief. Judged by the elaborate methodicalness of his programs, he would seem passionless, absolutely logical. Against a different perspective, he is seen to be volatile and as frivolous as a circus clown. He is a mystery, and his ultimate purposes cannot even be guessed. Howard Alan Treesong! A name of magic, instilling dread and wonder! What, precisely, is known of him? The few nodes of fact are made ambiguous by a luminous dust of rumor. He is declared to be the most solitary person alive; by other reports he is the ultimate ruler of all criminals. His person is said to be unremarkable: tall, thin, with well-shaped if gaunt features and pale gray eyes of exceptional clarity. His expression is often described as droll and his manner vivacious. He dresses most usually in ordinary garments, without ostentation. By all accounts he enjoys the company of beautiful women, none of whom seems to profit from the association either spiritually or financially. To the contrary, the romances of which anything is known all end tragically, if not worse. The events which finally brought Howard Alan Treesong to bay ran an erratic course--twisting, forking, making confused halts and unlikely linkages--a consequence of the mystery in which Treesong shrouded himself. According to the few extant descriptions, Treesong stood rather taller than ordinary with a luminous gaze, a broad forehead, a narrow jaw and chin, and a foxy rueful mouth. His manner was usually described as gracious with a metallic undertone. Almost every account mentioned a "curious field of suppressed energy," or "unpredictable extravagance," and in one case the word "madness" was used. Treesong's obsession with mystery extended far. No photographs, representations, or likenesses were known to exist, on or off the public record. His origins were unknown; his private life was as secret as the far end of the universe; he regularly disappeared from public notice for years on end. Treesong's zone of operations encompassed the Oikumene; he rarely ventured Beyond. He was known to have used for himself the title "Lord of the Overmen."* *The allusion is perhaps explained in a paragraph from an interview in which Freesong stated "Men exploit animals to their needs and think nothing of the process So-called criminals exploit die ordinary ruck to their needs in die same manner, employ ing equal morality, hence criminals are properly to be known as 'Overmen '." Gersen picked up the track of Howard Alan Treesong essentially by dint of abstract reasoning--pure deduction in the classical pattern--using information supplied by one Walter Koedelin, an old-time associate and now a Senior Officer of the IPCC.* *Interworld Police Coordinating Company--originally a small bureau, collecting and collating information for the various police organizations of the Oikumene, gradually- expanding, diversifying, and undertaking special missions, at last to become the largest and most efficient law-enforcement agency of the human universe. The two met in Sailmaker Beach, to the north of Avente, the metropolis of Alphanor, first among Rigel's Concourse of Worlds. Chancy's Tea House at the top of Sailmaker Beach overlooked a thousand small houses, shops, taverns, and a small plaza used by a hundred kinds of people. Each structure was washed a different color: pale blue, pale green, lavender, pink, white, yellow, and each cast a stark black shadow to the crackling Rigel-glare. Far below could be seen a small crescent of beach. Beyond, the Thaumaturge Ocean, soft dark blue, extended to the horizon, where floated pinnacles of white cumulus. At a table shaded under a dense growth of dark green memaris sat Kirth Gersen and Walter Koedelin, a sandy-haired, pink-skinned man somewhat more stocky than Gersen, with a short-nosed, big-jawed face. Like Gersen, he wore spaceman's dark blue and gray, the costume for folk who hoped to avoid attention. The two men drank rum punch and discussed Howard Alan Treesong. In the company of Gersen, Koedelin spoke without restraint. "What is he up to now? That's a real puzzle. Ten years ago he called himself 'Lord of the Overmen.' " "In effect, 'King of Thieves.' " "Exactly. He licensed every illicit act from Far Edge to Tangiers Old Socco. One time Howard walked a backstreet in Bugtown, on Arccurus IV, and a mugger jumped out. Howard asked: 'Are you registered with the Organization?' " 'No, I am not.' " 'Then you'll not get a cent from me, and I'm also turning you in for a fink.' " Koedelin drained his goblet of rum punch and looked up at the dark green foliage from which depended strips of pink blossoms. "Splendid place for microphones. I wonder who is listening to us." "No one, according to Chancy." "It's hard to be certain nowadays. Still, the Organization isn't all that strong around here." Gersen raised his hand. "Two more of the same... . So, Treesong is no longer Lord of the Overmen?" "Hardly that. But he gave up detail work to sublords quite some time ago. Howard only looks in from time to time and runs his eye over the books." "Benign fellow. So what is he up to now?" Koedelin hesitated, calculating his response, then made a fatalistic gesture and drew himself forward. "There's no harm in telling you, although if the story gets wide circulation we'll be embarrassed. It may not even be true." Koedelin looked right and left. "Don't let it go any further." "Certainly not." "IPCC administration is rather loose--that you know. There is a board of directors and a presiding officer, who is now Artur Sanchero. Five years ago his confidential aide died in an accident. A close friend recommended a man named Jethro Cope for the job, and after the usual background check Cope was hired. Cope proved very efficient, so much so that Sanchero had less and less work to do. And now began a strange process. The directors began to die--by disease, by accidents, by murder and suicide. "Sanchero, or more accurately Jethro Cope, recommended new directors who were thereupon voted into office. Jethro Cope always handled the vote and counted the ballots. He put seven men into the IPCC board of directors and needed only six more to achieve a voting majority. He probably would have gotten them had not one of the new directors, who called himself Bemus Carlisle, encountered an agent who recognized him to be Sean McMurtree of Dublin, Ireland, a high-class blackmailer. "To make a long story short, McMurtree was quietly expunged, but not before he mentioned a name. Can you guess the name he mentioned?" "Howard Alan Treesong." "Quite right. The agents went looking for Jethro Cope, but he was gone and never returned." "What of the other six new directors?" "Three were killed. One disappeared. Two are still there. They have no record; they claim innocence, and the other directors won't vote them out." "Very noble, very corrupt, or very frightened." "Take your choice." "To be Lord of the Overmen and Chief of the IPCC--both and at the same time--that's like a beautiful dream, no matter which side you're on." "Alas, indeed. Treesong is a sly devil. I'd still like to carve up his liver." "What of photographs?" "Not one to be found." "So we still don't know what he looks like." Koedelin gave a grunt of derisive disgust. "People who dealt with Cope remember long blond curls, a bushy blond beard and mustache, an affable manner." "And since then?" "Nothing. He's gone invisible. I forgot to mention that three years ago an order went down to the library to void all material pertaining to Howard Alan Treesong, on the grounds of inaccuracy. This was done; now there's very little on tap." "All successful criminals at some time return to their home towns. Somewhere out there Treesong was born and raised. Dozens of people must know him well. Maybe after three years new material has come in." Koedelin, leaning back in his chair, ruminated a minute or two. "I'll check over my sources and let you know. Where are you staying?" "At the Miramonte." "I'll look in about noon, if that's convenient." On the following day, at precisely noon, Koedelin joined Gersen in the observation lounge of the Hotel Miramonte, on Avente's esplanade. "It's as I suspected," said Koedelin. "There's not a clue as to his origin. He first appears on Earth as a young man, robbing banks, swindling, extorting, committing murders, organizing a strike force. He's competent at his trade. Still, it's amazing how little we know of him as a human being." Declaring himself pressed for time, Koedelin left shortly after. Gersen went out to walk on the esplanade, which for ten miles paralleled Avente's superb white sand beach. The harms Treesong had inflicted upon Gersen were now over twenty years old, when Treesong had only just attained his full criminal stature.* Since this time his exploits had become ever more grand... . A wraith of insight nickered through Gersen's mind. He went to lean on the balustrade. At Mount Pleasant, an agricultural settlement on the world Providence, a consortium of five master criminals--the so-called Demon Princes--had dropped out of the sky to enslave the entire population, killing those who resisted. Kirth Gersen and his grandfather escaped, and thereafter in Gersen's life there had been room for little but preparation for retaliation and revenge. Three years ago Howard Treesong had dropped from sight. This man, who had tried to be, simultaneously, King of Thieves and Chief Director of the IPCC, was certainly not now idle; somewhere he plotted new schemes, more monumental than any before. Gersen considered a number of possibilities: deeds of cruel magnificence, ingenious abominations, shame visited upon all humanity. None of Gersen's constructions seemed plausible or worth the effort. Evidently, so Gersen told himself, he lacked Treesong's gorgeous, if wild and savage, imagination. 1 Gersen here referred to the book The Criminal Mentality, by Michael Diaz Gersen returned to the hotel and telephoned Koedelin. "Regarding the subject of our conversation, it would seem that something dramatic should be coming to the surface about now. What would answer that description?" Koedelin could cite nothing definite. "I've been thinking along similar lines--waiting, so to speak, for the other shoe to drop. No matter how hard I listen, I hear only utter silence... ." The three populated Vegan worlds were Aloysius, Boniface, and Cuthbert. During the first Explosion of Peoples, they had been settled by religious orders, each more fanatic than the next. In the sixteenth century of the Space Age the sacerdotal flavor yet lingered, especially in the public buildings, converted from temples during the "Bum's Rush." Pontefract on Aloysius, a small city notable mainly for its incessant mist, by some trick of fate had become an important publishing and financial center. In the oldest section of town, dominating St. Paidrigh Square, stood the ancient Bramville Tower, now headquarters of Cosmopolis, a journal of news, photographs, and short essays. The magazine's contents, sometimes profound, often dramatic or even sentimental, were directed to the attention of intelligent middle-class folk across the entire Oikumene. Kirth Gersen, through the manipulations of his financial adviser, Jehan Addels, had acquired a controlling interest in Cosmopolis; in the guise of Henry Lucas, Special Writer, he used the offices as a convenient headquarters. Arriving in Pontefract, Gersen went to dine with Jehan Addels at his splendid old mansion in Ballyholt Woods, to the north of Pontefract. During the course of the dinner Gersen mentioned Howard Alan Treesong and his peculiar invisibility. Addels instantly became tense. "You speak, naturally, only from casual interest." "Well--not altogether. Treesong is a scoundrel and a criminal. His influence reaches everywhere. Tonight burglars might break into this house and steal your Memlings and Van Tasals, not to mention your Rhodosi rugs. Objects of this quality might go directly to Treesong himself." Addels nodded somberly. "It is a serious matter. Tomorrow I will submit a memorandum to the IPCC." "It can do no harm." Addels glanced suspiciously toward Gersen. "I hope that you take no personal interest in this man?" "Probably to no great extent." Addels uttered an angry ejaculation under his breath. "Please do not include me in these investigations, not to the slightest degree!" "My dear Addels, how can I avoid coming to you for advice?" "My advice in this case is succinct and definite: let the IPCC do their job!" "That is excellent advice, and I will assist them in this work as much as possible, and I know that you will do the same." "Of course, of course," muttered Addels. At the Cosmopolis library Gersen searched in files for references to Howard Alan Treesong. These were voluminous and told Gersen little that he did not know and nothing of the topics which were his chief concern: Treesong's place of origin and his present whereabouts. Treesong's pictorial likeness was conspicuous by its absence. At the end of a disappointing day, Gersen, for no reason other than simple persistence, riffled through the contents of a file labeled Miscellaneous: Sort, discovering nothing to his immediate interest. A pair of trays marked "File" and "Discard" caught his eye. The "File" basket was empty; the "Discard" basket contained a large photograph, almost a foot square, depicting a party at a banquet. Five men and two women were seated; three men stood somewhat to the back. At the top someone had scrawled: H. A. Treesong is here. With numb fingers and a prickling skin, Gersen stood staring at the photograph. The camera had recorded a full circle, from the center of a circular table, so that each member of the group was depicted from the front, though none was looking directly at the camera and perhaps no one was aware that the picture was being made. In front of each place stood a curious little semaphore, displaying three colored flags, and each place had been served a silver dish containing three purple-brown objects about four inches high: apparently the first course to the banquet. Aside from the scrawled notation across the top, the photograph lacked further legend except for a number printed at the bottom: 972. The diners were of various ages and races. All projected a conndent air, the effluvium of position and wealth. They were identified by place cards, unfortunately turned away from the camera. Gersen looked from face to face. Which might be Howard Alan Treesong? His description fitted, more or less loosely, perhaps four of the men. A file clerk approached, a jaunty young man wearing a pink-and-black striped shirt with baggy brown trousers in the local style. He gave Gersen a glance which, while respectful and affable, also contained the shadow of a sneer. Around the Cosmopolis offices Gersen was regarded as a man of questionable talents. "Rummaging through the garbage, eh, Mr Lucas?" "Everything is grist for the mill," said Gersen "This photograph which you were about to throw away--where did it come from?" "Oh, that affair? It arrived a few days ago from our Starport office. The Watch and Ward Society at its annual glut, or something similar. Is it useful?" "Probably not. Still, it's rather quaint. I wonder who H A Treesong might be?" "One of the local gobboons. The ladies are absolute frumps. Nothing here for our readers, that I assure you." But Gersen was not to be discouraged. "From our Starport office, you say. Which Starport, incidentally? There must be at least a dozen." "Starport on New Concept, Marhab Six." Again the flavor, almost undetectable, of condescension. Around Cosmopolis no one understood how Henry Lucas had gained his job, and even less how he held it. Gersen was indifferent to the opinions of his colleagues. "How did the photograph get here?" "It came in the last mailbag. When you're finished, throw it back in the trash, there's a good fellow." The clerk went off about his duties. Gersen took the photograph to his private cubicle and called the personnel office. "Who is our representative at Starport, New Concept?" "Starport is a zone headquarters, Mr Lucas The zonal superintendent is Ailett Mayneth." Gersen discovered upon looking into Universal Travel Routes that direct connections between Aloysius and New Concept were nonexistent. If he wished to travel by passenger packet he must expect three stopovers at junction points and three changes of ship, with consequent delay. Gersen closed Universal Travel Routes and replaced it on the shelf. He rode out to the spaceport and boarded his Fantamic Flitterwmg, a serviceable and competent space cruiser, with a small cargo hatch and accommodations for four. A vessel larger than his Distis Pharaon and more comfortable than his Armintor Starship. In the late afternoon of the day on which he had discovered the photograph, Gersen departed Aloysius, with Vega hanging cold in the sky on his port quarter. He gave appropriate coordinates to the automatic pilot and was whisked off toward the middle reaches of Aries. During the voyage he studied the photograph at length, and slowly the banqueters took on a static two-dimensional life. Of each male face Gersen asked: "Are you Howard Alan Treesong?" Some answered indignantly in the negative, others held their own counsel, and several seemed to return a brooding challenge, as if to say, "Who I am, what I am--interfere at your own peril!" And one of the men Gersen examined ever more often, with increasing fascination. Glossy chestnut hair framed a philosopher's forehead, hollow cheeks were joined to a gaunt jaw by a sheath of corded muscle, the thin tender mouth was twisted as if in recollection of a mischievous joke. A face strong and subtle, sensitive but not soft. the face of a man capable of anything so thought Gersen. Ahead glowed Marhab, off to the right wheeled the planet New Concept and its three moons. 2 From Civilized Ideas and Civilized Worlds, by Michael Yeaton: As the student reflects upon the development of the newly settled worlds he notices an odd and ironic circumstance, recurring so often as to seem the rule rather than the exception. The ideal program by which each new society is shaped, by some as yet unenunciated law of conduct, begins to generate its own obverse, or opposite, impulse, which in due course overcomes the original scheme. Human perversity? The malice of Fate? Who can say? In any event, the examples are everywhere. For instance, consider the world New Concept... Arriving at New Concept, Gersen located Starport and landed at the space terminal. A sleek car riding a monorail shuttled him the five miles between the terminal and Starport; Gersen was thereby afforded a view of the New Concept fells, here overgrown with heavy, dark blue turf. In the middle distance the dark blue gave way to maroon, and beyond, purple. A mile from the terminal the monorail skirted an area of moldering white ruins, originally an intricate complex of structures in the Neo-Palladian style: almost a small city. Now the columns were chipped, broken, or toppled; the roofs had partly collapsed; the once-noble entablatures were stained and streaked. At first Gersen thought the ruins uninhabited; then he noticed movement here and there, and a moment later saw a pack of gangling animals loping across a once-grand plaza. The ruins fell behind; the monorail entered Starport and came to a halt at a central depot. At an information booth Gersen learned the location of the local Cosmopolis office--a suite in a ten-story tower a few hundred yards from the depot--and set out on foot. Starport seemed a city of no distinction whatever. Except for the lemon-yellow sunlight and the flavor of the atmosphere*, Gersen might have fancied himself in an outer suburb of Avente on Alphanor, or any of a dozen quasi-modern cities of the Oikumene. The folk wore garments similar to those of Avente and the cities of Earth. Whatever "new concept" had originally been intended, was now no longer in evidence. *Experienced space travelers become sensitive to the variations of a breathable atmosphere, discriminating between inert gases, oxygen levels, and complex organic exudations peculiar to every individual planet. In the air of New Concept Gersen noted a musky peppery redolence, evidently rising from the blanket of rurf which cloaked the fells. Presenting himself at the Cosmopolis office, Gersen approached a counter behind which stood an elderly man with a keen birdlike cast of countenance, bright blue eyes, and a crest of gleaming silver hair. He was thin, taut and carried himself with a stern and exact posture, somewhat at odds with his garments, which were casual: a bright blue turtleneck shirt of lightweight velour, soft beige trousers, and sandals of dark suede. He addressed Gersen in a formally terse voice: "Sir, your requirements?" "I am Henry Lucas, from the Pontefract office," said Gersen. "I would like a few moments with Mr. Ailett Mayneth." "I am he." Mayneth looked Gersen up and down. "Henry Lucas? I have visited the Pontefract office and I can't remember hearing your name." "I carry the title 'Special Writer,' " said Gersen. "I am in fact a general-purpose roustabout; whenever there's a job too dull or uncomfortable for anyone else I'm assigned to it." "I see," said Mayneth. "And what is so dull and uncomfortable here at Starport?" Gersen displayed the photograph. Mayneth's manner changed at once. "Aha! So that is how the wind blows. I wondered what would happen. So you are here to investigate?" "That is correct." "Hmm. Perhaps we can make ourselves more comfortable. Shall we go up to my apartments?" "Whatever you like." Mayneth conducted Gersen to an elevator, which lifted them high to the top floor. Mayneth slid open his door with easy indifference. Gersen entered what he recognized to be the domicile of a connoisseur of judgment and, so it would seem, wealth. In all directions he saw beautiful objects, of various eras and as many places of origin. Many of the objects Gersen could not precisely identify: for instance, a pair of earthenware lamps glazed a dull gray-brown. Possibly ancient Japan? In regard to the rugs he knew somewhat more, by reason of an episode in his early career. He recognized a pair of Persian rugs, glowing serenely in the sunlight, a QiiIi-Qiin, a Mersilin from the Adar Mountains of Copus, several small Gypsy rugs probably from the Khajar Realm of Copus. A satinwood case displayed a group of Myrmidense porcelains and a casual arrangement of precious old books, bound in shagreen and hornskin. "Since I have nothing better to do with myself," said Mayneth half-apologetically, "I try to surround myself with beautiful objects... . I fancy myself as a shrewd trader and I enjoy nothing more than to prowl the country bazaars of some remote little world. This is my so-called study. The books in here are exclusively from Earth. A miscellany, I fear. But sit down, if you will." Mayneth touched a gong with his fingers, producing a plangent tone. A servant appeared, a young girl of odd appearance, thin and supple as an eel, with a shock of curly white hair, slate-colored eyes in a small pinched face, a small pointed chin, and a thin lavender mouth. She wore a short white smock and moved with a curious lithe sliding gait. She watched the two men attentively, without any trace of self-consciousness. Gersen could not identify her racial stock. He thought that, if she were not feeble-minded, her rationality was surely of a most unconventional sort. Mayneth hissed between his teeth, touched the palm of his hand, held up two fingers; the girl backed away. She returned almost immediately with a tray, two goblets, and two squat bottles. Mayneth took the tray; the girl was gone in a whisk of fluttering smock. Mayneth poured. "Our excellent Swallowtail beer." He served Gersen and picked up the photograph, which Gersen had placed on the table. "A very strange affair, this." He seated himself, drank a dainty swallow of beer. "A woman came into the office, and I inquired her business. She stated that she had valuable information which she wished to sell, for a substantial sum. I seated her in my office and looked her over. Her age was about thirty, a bit run to seed; just short of blowsy. Still, she seemed respectable, if in a dreadful state of nerves. She was not a local woman; she stated that she had come directly from the space terminal and that she desperately needed money. I looked her over once again, even more carefully, but I could not place her background." Mayneth took a meditative sip of beer. "I noticed one or two small points, still--" He shrugged, as if to dismiss the problem. "She began to work up her proposition. She said she was able to offer an item not only unique, but highly valuable. Not her exact words, of course. She was so nervous as occasionally to be incoherent. "I tried a bit of whimsy--rather sophomoric, really--'You've brought me the directions to a cache of hidden treasure!' "She became angry. 'Are you interested in what I have to offer? Mind you, I want a fair price!' "I told her that I'd have to see to judge. Immediately she became cautious. It was quite a game. Finally I said, 'Madam, show me what you want to sell, otherwise I can't spare any more time.' "She asked me in a whisper, 'Have you heard the name Howard Alan Treesong?' " 'Yes, indeed. He is Lord of the Overmen.' " 'Don't say that! Although it's true ... I have his photograph. How much will you pay?' " 'Let's see the picture.' " 'No, first you must make me a good offer!' "I'm afraid I became a bit lofty. I asked her, 'How can I buy something until I've seen it? Is it a good likeness?' " 'Indeed, it's a good likeness. He is about to commit a mass murder.' "I said nothing and finally she produced her merchandise." Mayneth indicated the photograph. "I examined it carefully, then said, 'This is admittedly an excellent picture, but which is Treesong?' " 'I don't know.' " 'Then how do you know he's here?' " 'I was told so, by someone who knew.' " 'He might have been joking.' " 'If so, he was killed for his joke.' "'Really?' " 'Yes, really.' " 'May I inquire your name?' " *Is it important? In any event, I won't give my proper name.' " 'Where was the picture taken?' " 'If I told you that, other people would suffer.' " 'Madam, be practical. Consider the circumstances. You show me a photograph; one of the persons, so you say, is Treesong, but you can't point him out to me.' " 'That proves I'm honest! I could easily point to anyone in the photograph; that man there, for instance.' " 'Quite true. As a matter of fact, he's my own choice. All this aside, and conceding your own honesty, how do you know that the picture is authentic? Someone has been killed. Who? Why? Without these details the picture has no particular value.' "She thought a moment or two. 'Can you guarantee confidentiality?' " 'Naturally.' " 'One of Treesong's aides is named Ervin Umps. His brother was a waiter at the restaurant where the picture was taken. He was also my husband. He spoke with Ervin, and discovered that Treesong was at the banquet. The photograph is automatic, for the restaurant's records, and my husband took this copy, which he left in my keeping. He told me only that Treesong was in the picture, and that Treesong had murdered everyone else present. The picture, he said, was very valuable. That same night he was killed. I knew that I'd be killed too, whether I gave up the photograph or not, so I left at once, and that's all I can tell you.' " 'And where is the restaurant?' " 'I won't tell you. It's not necessary that you know.' " 'I don't understand. You've told me everything else.' " 'I have my reasons.' "That's where the matter rested. We had a long discussion about the price. I explained that I was taking her on trust; that the photograph might not be worth a hollow dinket. She agreed but wouldn't yield an inch. I asked, 'How much do you expect me to pay?' " 'I want ten thousand SVU!' " 'That is out of the question.' "'What will you offer?' "I told her I'd risk a hundred SVU of company money and fifty of my own. She started to leave. I decided that I couldn't risk letting the picture get away. I offered another hundred and guaranteed that if Cosmopolis used the picture she'd be paid two hundred more. "She caved in. 'Give me the money. I must leave here at once. The picture is dangerous.' I paid her off. She ran from the office and I saw no more of her." Mayneth filled the goblets with Swallowtail beer. "What happened next?" Mayneth cleared his throat. "I inspected the picture with great care. I found few clues. The clothes are diverse, and suggest a variety of backgrounds. They seem to be lightweight, which indicates a warm local climate. Those little semaphores--I can't understand them. Nor can I identify the food." "You hinted at one or two details in connection with the woman." "So I did. Her clothes were standard, but she spoke with an accent. Around the stars you'll hear a thousand accents and dialects. It is one of my interests, and my ear is fairly keen. I listened carefully but I could not place her particular speech." "What else?" "At the corner of each eye she wore a little blue shell. I've seen these before but I can't connect them with any particular place." "She never mentioned her name?" Mayneth pulled on his chin. "Her husband's brother is Ervin Umps. She might or might not use the same name." "Possible. Not necessarily probable." "My own feeling. Still, I became curious and decided to make inquiry at the spaceport, and I did so, although the trail by then was three days cold. I checked passenger lists, asked questions, and to make a long story short, I found no 'Umps.' She apparently called herself Lamar Medrano. She transferred aboard the ship at a place called Virgo Junction, out on Spica Six. I checked the place in Universal Travel Routes. A dozen different liners touch there. I doubt if she could be traced away from Virgo Junction." "When did she leave New Concept?" "Possibly never." "How so?" "She booked passage to Altair aboard a Green Star packet, the Samarthi Tone, departing three days after her consultation with me. I checked around the hotels and found her at Hotel Diomedes, where she had stayed two nights. They remembered her well, because she skipped without settling the bill." "Odd." "Sinister. I made further inquiries at the Diomedes, and learned that she had become acquainted with a certain Emmaus Schahar, a salesman in sports equipment from Krokinole. One morning Schahar paid his account and departed. Lamar Medrano went out the previous night and never returned." Gersen gave a dour grunt. "As to this Schahar, what of him?" "A saturnine fellow, soft spoken, with plenty of money." "He's not now in Starport?" "He left on the Gacy Wonder. One of its way-points is Virgo Junction." "Interesting." "Very much so. I don't know whether or not to be reassured." "You wonder why Mr. Schahar did not call on you?" "Exactly." "Schahar might conceivably be an innocent salesman with only ordinary interest in Lamar Medrano." "Conceivably." "Assuming that Schahar is not an innocent salesman, Lamar Medrano might have become fearful and fled, so that she is now hiding somewhere on New Concept." "Possible." "Thirdly, Lamar might have died before revealing where she had taken the photograph. Perhaps she convinced Schahar that she had put it in the mails." "Possibly she had two copies of the photograph. Schahar considered his mission accomplished and is now pleased and happy." Gersen laughed. "When Howard Treesong reads Cosmopolis, sometime in the near future, Schahar will not be so pleased and happy." He brought out stylus and paper, wrote a few words, placed five hundred-SVU certificates on top, pushed all over to Mayneth. "Your expenses and a bonus for constructive activity. Please sign the receipt so that I may recover from the central bursar." "Thank you," said Mayneth "That is indeed generous of you. Perhaps you will take lunch with me?" "It will be a pleasure." Mayneth touched the gong, the white-haired girl appeared. Mayneth made signs and sounds, the girl slid off, easy and soft of motion. She returned with beer, paused to watch as Mavneth filled the goblets, peering in fascination at the foam, her lavender-pink tongue darting in and out of her mouth. "She loves beer," said Mayneth. "I won't allow her any because she becomes agitated. She'll lick all the foam from our empty goblets." Daringly the girl hooked some foam from Gersen's goblet with her finger and put it into her mouth. Mayneth slapped her hand without any great vehemence, and the girl jumped back like a playful cat. She hissed at Mayneth, who hissed in return and gestured; the girl departed. Passing through the door she bent to arrange a tassel in the fringe of the rug, Gersen noted that under the short white smock she was nude. Mayneth sighed and swallowed half a goblet of beer. "I'll be leaving New Concept before long. I came originally as a collector. The original settlers created many beautiful things--hand-illuminated books, grotesques, musical instruments. Notice that gong yonder, it sounds to no more than a touch. The best are supposed to sing even before they are touched. Some were exported, but the best were hidden in caves- I've explored a thousand miles of caverns, acquisitiveness conquering my claustrophobia." Gersen leaned back in his chair and looked out across the tells. The sun stood at its zenith, across a low ridge in the middle distance ran a pack of animals, gamboling and curvetting on long lank legs. They darted into the shadow of a thicket and began to graze on a growth of green sedge. "This doesn't seem a particularly well managed world," said Gersen. "I don't see any signs of agriculture." "It's been tried. The Feeks destroy crops before they get started. There's no keeping them out short of poison, which is prohibited." "I noticed classical ruins out near the space terminal Do they represent the 'New Concept'?" "The original structures were the gift of a mad philanthropist. The 'New Concept' was dietary-vegetarianism, in fact, mixed with stints of meditation For fifty years the settlers lived in the great Temple of Organic Unity. They ate alfalfa sprouts, collard greens, and odd bits of the native vegetation. The human form is wonderfully adaptable. The settlers adapted all too well, and there they are now"--Mayneth pointed to the pack of lank animals grazing under the thicket--"having their lunch... . Speaking of lunch, we might as well go examine our own." Mayneth led Gersen to his dining room, where the whitehaired girl stood staring in fascination at the table. Sudden illumination came to Gersen. "She is one of the locals?" Mayneth nodded. "They leave babies lying out on the fells. Simple forgetfulness, I suspect. Sometimes they're brought in and trained, more or less successfully. Catch them early and they'll learn to stay clean and walk on their hind legs. Tiptoe here is a clever one; she serves beer and fluffs pillows and generally behaves herself." "She's fascinating to look at," said Gersen. "Is she, well, affectionate?" "It's been tried, with generally poor results," said Mayneth. "Are you curious? Touch her." "Where?" "Well, to begin with, on the shoulder." Gersen approached the girl, who swayed back, blinking her great gray eyes. Gersen reached out his hand; she uttered a quick spitting hiss and sprang back, mouth open to show sharp teeth, hands raised and fingers curled. Gersen drew back, grinning. "I see what you mean. Her opinions are very definite." "Some of the local lads use a bait of molasses candy," said Mayneth. "They like it and while they're eating they can't bite... . Well, here's our lunch. She'll go away now, because she can't tolerate anything but lettuce and occasionally a bit of boiled carrot. Such is the dark side of vegetarianism." 3 From Life, Volume I, by Unspiek, Baron Bodissey: ... I often reflect upon the word "morality," the most troublesome and confusing word of all. There is no single or supreme morality; there are many, each defining the mode by which a system of entities optimally interacts. The eminent entomologist Fabre, observing a mantis in the act of devouring its mate, exclaimed: "What an abominable custom!" The ordinary man, during a day's time, may be obliged to act by the terms of a half dozen different moralities. Some of these acts, appropriate at one moment, may the next moment be considered obscene or opprobrious in terms of another morality. The person who, let us say, expects generosity from a bank, efficient flexibility from a government agency, open-mindedness from a religious institution will be disappointed. In each purview the notions represent immorality. The poor fool might as quickly discover love among the mantises. Gersen, returning to Aloysius, landed at Dunes Spaceport, a few miles south of Pontefract. The time was late on a dark purple-gray afternoon. Mist blowing in from Bottleglass Bay almost obscured the terminal buildings. Gersen bowed his head and walked to the depot across a boardway of weathered sea-wood. He rode first by underground train, then by taxi to the mansion of Jehan Addels, his financial adviser and general business factotum, in Ballyholt Woods. Addels greeted him with his usual air of sour disapproval, which Gersen believed to be a mask for esteem and possibly even affection, though this might be asking a bit too much from Addels, whose views of man and the universe were filtered through a lifetime of mistrustful cynicism. Addels looked the part, with a gaunt yellowish face, a tall thin forehead, a long thin nose with a tremulous tip. His hair was scanty and yellow-brown, his eyes a bland pale blue. Gersen went to his usual room, bathed, dressed in garments left on a previous occasion. He dined with Addels and his numerous family in a grand dining room, at a table illuminated by candles. The tableware was antique silver and they ate off ancient Wedgewood. After dinner the two men returned to Addels's yampang-panelled study and sat before a fire with coffee served from a silver coffeepot. Gersen displayed the photograph, to Addels's consternation. "I had hoped that you were finished with this sort of thing." "Not quite," said Gersen. "What do you think?" Addels feigned stupidity. "Regarding what?" "We want to identify Treesong and discover where he makes his headquarters." "And then?" "Perhaps we'll bring him to justice." "Bah! And perhaps someone will get himself killed by being hung on a hook a mile in the air, which was what happened to poor Newton Flickery." "A shame, that. Well, we must hope for the best." "Therefore I hope that you will have nothing to do with this business. Here, let me throw the photograph into the fire." Gersen ignored him, and for the hundredth time studied the photograph. "Which is Treesong? How can we identify him?" Addels said crossly, "He's one of those persons. The others must know him, or at least know themselves. Treesong can be identified by eliminating the others." "First we must identify the others." "Why not? Each must have many friends and acquaintances. But let us talk no more of this foolishness." Gersen wandered the crooked old streets of Pontefract. He sat in small irregular squares, planted with boxwood and wallflowers. He idled along valleys smelling of age and wet stone; he took several meals at a restaurant suspended over Bottleglass Bay on rotten black pilings. He saw little of Addels except at the stately dinners which Addels considered a basic element of civilized existence. Addels refused to discuss Gersen's preoccupation, and Gersen had only small interest in the highly profitable dealings by which Addels augmented Gersen's wealth. On the fourth day Gersen settled upon a method to increase the leverage of his single tool to the utmost. For several years the Cosmopolis directorship had contemplated a companion magazine, to be known as Extant. Much of the preliminary work had been done. The new journal would rely heavily upon Cosmopolis production and distribution facilities, with an editorial policy intended to appeal to a livelier and less sedate readership than that of Cosmopolis. Through a linkage of holding companies, Gersen owned Cosmopolis outright. Now he ordained the instant existence of Extant. Overnight it came into being. Copy long prepared entered printing machines, and Extant surged out through the Cosmopolis distribution adits to the far edges of the Oikumene. To increase its impact on the market this first issue would be given away free. It featured a remarkable contest, certain to attract the attention of all its readers. A photograph on the cover depicted ten persons at a banquet. The caption read: WHO ARE THESE FOLK? NAME THEM CORRECTLY AND WIN 100,000 SVU! The inside cover added qualifying details. Only the first three contestants to identify all the depicted faces would win prizes. Should no one name all persons correctly, then those three persons identifying the largest number of faces would receive the prize. Six additional rules stipulated the prizes to those who were first, or among the first, correctly to identify fewer than all the faces. Entries were to be mailed to: Extant; Corrib Place, 9-11; Pontefract, Aloysius (Vega VI). Such entries would be adjudicated by members of the Extant staff. Wherever periodicals were sold Extant impinged on the eye, the more so for the prominent overprint on its cover: FREE. At refuges on the frozen salt tundras of Irta; under the lime trees of Duptis Major; at halts along the cableways of the Midor Mountains; at kiosks along the grand boulevards of Paris and Oakland; on Alphanor, Chrysanthe, Olliphane and Krokinole, and every other world of the Rigel Concourse: Extant. In spaceports, barbershops, jails, hospitals, monasteries, bordellos, construction camps: Extant. Millions of eyes saw the faces, usually with only casual interest. Not a few studied the photograph with care, and even fascination, and took occasion to write letters to Contest Editor, Extant. Two persons especially, separated by light-years of space, saw the photograph with startled amazement. The first sat frowning through his window as he pondered the significance of the contest. The second, occasionally sounding a rather harsh chuckle, took pen in hand and addressed a letter to Contest Editor, Extant. Gersen decided to move into town, closer to the Extant office. Addels recommended the Penwipers Hotel. "It is convenient to your office, and quite the best address in town, very respectable." His gaze lingered thoughtfully upon Gersen's costume. "In fact ..." "In fact what?" "Nothing whatever. You will be made comfortable at Penwipers. They take good care of their guests. I will call to make arrangements; they seldom accept new clientele without favorable recommendation." The facade of Penwipers Hotel, six stories of carved brownstone and fluted black iron, surmounted by a Flemish mansard roof of green copper tiles, overlooked Old Tara Square. An inconspicuous portal opened into first a foyer, then a reception hall, with the lounge to one side and the dining room to the other. Gersen registered at a counter of carved brown marble, supported by pilasters and corner columns of glossy black gabbro. The receptionists wore formal morning clothes of old-fashioned cut-how old-fashioned Gersen did not immediately appreciate. The style, in fact, had changed by not so much as a buttonhole since the hotel's opening eleven hundred years before. At the Penwipers, and in Pontefract generally, tradition yielded grudgingly, if at all, to novelty. Gersen waited while the registration clerk quietly consulted the head porter, the two glancing at Gersen from time to time. The consultation ended; Gersen was conducted to his suite. The chief porter led the way, an assistant carried Gersen's small handbag, a third carried a velvet box. At the door the chief porter opened the box, withdrew a damask cloth scented with lavender, with which he briskly wiped the door handle, which he then twitched with thumb and forefinger. The door opened; Gersen entered a set of high-ceilinged rooms, furnished in a style of austere comfort, something short of luxury. The porters moved swiftly around the room, adjusting the placement of furniture, wiping surfaces with their scented cloths, then departed, swiftly and quietly as if they had merged into the shadows. The chief porter said: "Sir, the valet will attend you at once to assist with your wardrobe. The water is already drawn for your bath." He bowed and prepared to leave. "One moment," said Gersen. "Is there a key to the door?" The chief porter smiled benignly. "Sir, you need not fear intrusion at Penwipers." "Possibly not. But, for instance, suppose I were a jewel merchant carrying a parcel of gems, and a thief wished to rob me. He need merely saunter to my room, open the door, and divest me of my wealth." The chief porter, still smiling, shook his head. "Sir, such a terrible thing could never happen here. It would simply not be tolerated. Your valuables are quite safe." "1 don't carry any valuables," said Gersen. "I merely suggested a possibility." "The inconceivable, sir, is rarely possible." "I am totally reassured," said Gersen. "Thank you." "Thank you, sir." He drew back as Gersen extended his hand. "The staff is adequately paid, sir. We prefer to accept no gratuities." He inclined his head crisply and departed. Gersen bathed in a sunken tub carved, like the reception desk, from a block of brown marble. He emerged to find his belongings packed neatly into a bottom drawer of an ancient wardrobe. The valet, deeming his garments unsuitable, had laid out new: sedate dark brown trousers, a lavender-and-white striped shirt, a cravat of white linen crash, a knee-long coat of black twill, pinched at the shoulders, belled at the hips. In rueful resignation Gersen dressed in the new garments. If nothing else, Jehan Addels would be pleased. Gersen descended to the lobby and crossed to the main entrance. The chief porter stepped forward to intercept him. "A moment, sir, I will fetch your klapper." He tendered a large black velvet hat with a wide rolled brim, a coil of dark green, and a small stiff brush of black bristles. Gersen looked askance at the hat, and would have slipped past had not the doorman contrived to position himself between Gersen and the door. "You'll find the air a bit brisk, sir. It is our pleasure to assist you in the use of appropriate attire." "That is kind of you," said Gersen. "Thank you, sir. Allow me to arrange the hat. Just so ... Afternoon wear will be laid out for your use at the stroke of the second gong. The weather portends a drifting wet mist, with showers later in the day." In the foyer Gersen paused to glance at himself in the mirror. Who was this somber exemplar of Old Pontefract gentility who stared back at him? Never had he worn a disguise more deceptive. Gersen wandered along the crabbed streets, under tall narrow-fronted buildings, across the ubiquitous small squares, each with its boxed beds of wallflowers, pansies, native bulrastia, and St. Olaf's Toe. From time to time the mist parted to allow a shaft of Vegalight down to glisten on wet stone and infuse a sudden gush of color into the flower beds. At a public telephone he called Jehan Addels and arranged a meeting at the Extant office, at Addels's convenience. "That will be in one hour's time," said Addels. "I will be there." Gersen turned into Corrib Place, a short street somewhat wider than ordinary and paved with slabs of polished granite, dovetailed each to each, and laid down long ago as an act of penance by the Estebanite monks. Corrib Place occupied the oldest part of Pontefract Old Town. To one side the ancient Estebanite monastery had been converted into commercial suites; the structures opposite, built of age-darkened mace and ganthar wood, bound with brackets of black iron, stood tall and gaunt and compressed, often with upper-story bays overhanging the street. With time to spare before his appointment with Addels, Gersen sauntered along Corrib Place, looking into shops, which here affected a special eclat and offered only goods of distinction and elegance: fancy pastries and imported sweetmeats; rare gems, pearls from the local rorqual, crystals won from dead stars; gloves, cravats, gaiters, kerchiefs; perfumes, philtres, magic Duhamel oil; bibelots, curios, portfolios ot antique art: Giotto and Gosl-wane; William Snyder and William Blake; Mucha, Dulac, Lindsay; Rackham, Nielsen; Durer, Dore, David Russell. Gersen paused ten minutes to watch a pair of puppets at a game of chess. The puppets were Maholibus and Cascadine, characters from the Comic Masque. Each had captured several pieces; each in turn, after deliberation, made his move. When one captured a piece, the other made gestures of rage and agitation. Maholibus made a move and spoke in a creaking voice: "Checkmate!" Cascadine cried out in anguish. He struck himself on the forehead and toppled backward off his chair. A moment later he picked himself up; the two arranged the pieces and started a new game... . Gersen entered the shop, bought the chess-player puppets, and ordered them delivered to Penwipers: one of the rare occasions of his life when he had encumbered himself with a trivial article. Strolling along Corrib Place, Gersen found himself opposite the offices of Extant Publications. He paused by the window of the Horlogicon, to study a timepiece seemingly fashioned from puffs and swirls of mist, with spots of colored light designating the time. Interesting, but impractical, thought Gersen. Jehan Addels turned into Corrib Place and approached, placing his feet carefully one before the other. The time was several minutes early. He stopped beside Gersen to catch his breath and inspect the Extant offices. After an incurious sidelong glance, he ignored Gersen and continued peering toward the Extant offices. Gersen spoke. "Sir, are you expecting someone?" Addels swung around, stared in bemusement. "My dear fellow, I failed to recognize you!" Gersen smiled a wintry smile. "The hotel has allowed me the use of these clothes. They feel that my ordinary attire is a bit too ordinary." Addels spoke in a precise voice. "A person makes a statement about himself with his clothes A genteel person wears genteel clothes to establish his status, and status, whether we like it or not, is a key factor in human interrelations." Gersen said, "At the very least I am provided an excellent disguise." Addels's voice rose a quick tone or two. "Why should you need a disguise?" "We are dealing, you and I, with a remarkable man. He is a ruthless murderer, but at the same time a paragon of gentility who could lodge without qualm at Penwipers Hotel." Addels gave a glum grimace. "You surely don't expect him here?" "I don't know what to expect. We are publishing his photograph, which he has been at great pains to conceal." "Please do not use the word 'we' so loosely. But I agree that the contest will attract his attention." "That is part of my plan. He will wonder who is interested in him and investigate." Addels sniffed, "Or he might simply decide to destroy the enure building." "I think not," said Gersen. "First, he will want to discover the facts." "He will try to infiltrate your organization It will be very difficult to forestall him." "I won't even try In fact, I'll make it easy." "Risky business! What good can come of it?" "His infiltration in effect becomes our infiltration We will lure him close, then work to arrange a meeting. You will be the intermediary--" "By no means! Never!Not in a million years!" "I expect no danger until after he satisfies his curiosity." Addels refused to be convinced, "That is like telling a staked-out goat that the tiger will not bite until after he sniffs around a bit." "I wonder if the parallel is quite exact." "Regardless, I do not intend to participate in this scheme. I have had my fill of scares and frights. My proper work lies elsewhere." "Just as you say. We will make our plans accordingly." Addels was not yet reassured, "When do you expect him to act?" "As soon as he sees the photograph. He will then send someone here to investigate, or possibly he will arrive on the scene himself. We still have a few days to prepare." "The lull before the storm," muttered Addels. Gersen laughed "Don't forget, we are laying the plans, not Treesong. Come along, I'll take you to lunch at Penwipers, if you think they'll allow you in the dining room." On the door of the Extant offices appeared a sign: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. STAFF IS NOW BEING ENGAGED. TEMPORARY HELP IS REQUIRED TO ASSIST WITH PHOTOGRAPH IDENTIFICATION CONTEST. IT IS PREFERRED, BUT NOT ESSENTIAL, THAT APPLICANTS MAKE APPOINTMENTS FOR AN INTERVIEW. An applicant, upon entering the Extant offices, found himself in an anteroom divided by a counter. To the left was a door with a notice reading: CONTEST PROCESSING ROOM. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. The door to the right was imprinted: EDITORIAL OFFICES. At the counter the applicant would be met by Mrs Millicent Ench, a brisk, dark-haired lady of middle age, who invariably wore, day after day, a long black skirt, a pale blue blouse with a red sash, a cap with a red visor, glossy black shoes which laced up past the ankles. Mrs Ench performed a screening process, turning away those applicants who were patently unsuitable. Others she sent into the adjoining room, where they filled out an application form, under the eye of the personnel manager. This was Mr Henry Lucas, who, from the evidence of his clothes, fancied himself a patrician of the most refined gentility. His features were good if a trifle harsh, his mouth was wide, thin, and crooked. Black ringlets were arranged with care across his forehead and down past his sallow-pale cheeks. After a casual word or two with the applicants, Henry Lucas seated them in cubicles, back to the room, and asked them to respond to a questionnaire. The cubicles and desks were apparently improvised and roughly constructed for the occasion. Actually, they concealed and disguised exceptionally sensitive sensors and stress gauges which recorded every slight tremor of the applicant, each flicker of his eye, every variation of blood pressure, every alteration of brain-wave pattern. The findings, when collated, were indicated as colored lights at Gersen's desk and colored marks upon a facsimile of the questionnaire. Gersen had composed the questionnaire with care, in order that the responses and their associated reactions should provide the maximum information, even though the questions in themselves seemed innocuous. The first questions were straightforward, in order to establish normal circumstances and to calibrate the equipment. Name. Type of Employment Desired. Local Address. Birthplace. Sex. Age. Name of Parents: Father's Address, Mother's Address. Occupation of Father, Mother. Birthplace of Father, Mother. The next group of questions, so Gersen calculated, would place a rather greater strain on other than a legitimate applicant. How long at local address. Local references (List at least two. These people may or may not be consulted in regard to your character and competence). Previous address, if any. List at least two persons who have known you at this address. (They may be consulted). Your address previous to address noted above, if any. List at least two persons who knew you at this address. NOTE: You will understand that, under the circumstances, Extant must diligently ensure the integrity of its personnel. The following questions were intended to exert maximum stress upon any person intending deception. If nonresident, why have you come to Pontefract? (Give specific reasons. Do not generalize.). Contest personnel must necessarily be impartial. Examine the photograph here depicted, which is submitted to the contestants. Do you know or recognize any of the persons herein? Write '0' in the boxes of the persons you do NOT know. Fill in solidly the boxes of the persons you DO know. (Read clockwise from bottom left center.) What is his/her name, or their names? (List names with corresponding numbers). What are the circumstances of your acquaintances? (Please be specific). If engaged, when can you start work? In due course applicants for employment presented themselves to the office: students from Saint Griegand's Seminary and the Celtic Academy, and as many middle-aged women with time on their hands. Gersen rigorously applied his sensors to each applicant, in order to adjust the mechanism and to establish the accuracy of his methods. Apart from a few fluctuations and trivial exceptions, his system of colored imprints certified the innocence of each applicant. Of these, Mrs. Ench, who also supervised the judging procedure, selected a group to process the beginning flood of entries. Each envelope as it entered the office passed through a numerator to establish the priority of its reception. Gersen himself opened and examined a number of envelopes, but found a wide disparity of response, lacking all consistency. On the afternoon of an uncommonly sunny day Gersen returned from lunch to encounter among the applicants a slim, slight red-haired girl, in whom he took an immediate interest, for at least two reasons. In the first place, she was very pretty in a style at the edge of the unconventional. Her face, rather wide of forehead and cheekbones, slanted across flat cheeks down to a small chin and a curving pink mouth, which even when still seemed to express intriguing possibilities. Her gray-blue eyes, under dark lashes, were clear and direct. She was perhaps a trifle smaller than average but constructed of apparently durable material; she was engagingly suntanned, as if she spent much of her time outdoors. She might have been a student from one of the local institutions, but Gersen thought not. He noticed her first through his window, standing across the street, wearing pale gray trousers, black sash, and a pale gray cape, not at all in the local mode. She stood a moment with a bleak expression on her face, then squared her shoulders, crossed the street, out of range of Gersen's vision. A moment or two later Mrs. Ench allowed her into Gersen's office. Gersen gave her a brief stare. The bleak expression had vanished; she now seemed composed, and here was the second reason for Gersen's interest. There was a third rising from his subconscious, and perhaps most important of all. She spoke in a pleasant husky voice, with the trace of an accent Gersen could not identify. "Sir, you are offering employment?" "To qualified persons," said Gersen. "I suppose that you are aware of the Extant contest?" "I've heard something about it." "We need temporary clerks to help with the contest, and we are also hiring permanent personnel." She considered his remarks. Gersen wondered whether her artlessness was real or most carefully contrived. He took care to accentuate his half-debonair, half-supercilious formality. She offered a polite suggestion. "Perhaps I could start as a contest clerk, and then, if I do well, you might consider me for a permanent job." "That is certainly possible. I'll ask you to fill in this form, which is self-explanatory. Please answer all questions." She glanced at the questionnaire and uttere'd a soft sound under her breath. "So many questions?" "We consider them necessary." "Do you investigate all this for everyone you hire?" Gersen spoke in a flat voice: "A great deal of money is involved in the contest. We must ensure that our personnel is absolutely honest." "I quite understand." She took the form and went to the booth. Gersen, pretending to occupy himself with paperwork, touched a switch and watched a pair of desk screens, as the red-haired girl filled in the questionnaire. To the left appeared her face, to the right the questionnaire and colored lights to indicate the verdict of the stress detectors. She had started to write. Name: Alice Wroke Sex: Female. The question as to gender and its response, certifying a self-evident condition, calibrated the instruments at base level. Conceivably, as in the case of a man disguised as a woman, the question might generate stress, thus distorting the interpretation of every other reading. In addition to the colored-light indicators, a graph recorded responses in terms of absolute units; anomalous responses might therefore be identified. In practice the color-coded indexes had provided reliable information. Blue lights now signified that Alice Wroke had truthfully declared her name and her gender; although before she wrote her name, the light flickered into pink for a moment, as if she were debating the use of a false name. The warnings from his subconscious were apparently vindicated. Surprising! He had hoped for Treesong to attempt infiltration of Extant, but that the infiltrator should be someone like Alice Wroke was quite unexpected. Gersen felt a surge of primitive excitement. The game had begun. With his own pulse accelerated, Gersen watched Alice Wroke write responses to the questions he had framed. Age: 20.* A clear blue light: no dissimulation. *By general convention, age and almost all other units of duration were reckoned by terrestrial standards. Type of Employment desired: Here, Alice hesitated. The color, wavering from blue into blue-green, indicated indecision rather than stress. She wrote: Clerical or journalistic work. I am qualified for either. As she wrote the final sentence the blue-green verged momentarily into green, as if perhaps she were not as sure of her qualifications as she professed... . She still hesitated and the green gradually became sharper and more acid. She added to her response: However, I am prepared to work in any capacity, and do whatever is required of me. As she considered the next question, the color shifted back to blue-green, indicating a heightened state of consciousness. Local address: The color shifted not an iota. Alice wrote: St. Diarmid's Inn. This was a large cosmopolitan hotel at the heart of the city, frequented by tourists and offworld travelers, considerably less prestigious than Penwipers, but not without distinction and certainly not inexpensive. Alice Wroke would seem to be in no immediate need. Birthplace: Blackford's Landing, Terranova, Denebola V. Name of Parents: Father: Benjamin Wroke. Address: Wild Isle. Occupation: Engineer. Mother: Eileen Sversen Wroke. Address: Wild Isle. Occupation: Accountant. These questions were negotiated without stress, except in regard to Father's Occupation, where the light glowed yellow green. Now commenced those questions which were intended to apply pressure upon a dissembler. Hoiv long at present address? Alice had defused this question by identifying her residence as a transient hotel. Still, the indicator shifted into the bright green as she wrote: Two days. Local references: list at least two: 1. Mahibel Wroke, The Blawens, Gungold Street 2. Sean Paldester, Dingle Lane, Tuorna. On this response the indicator glowed placidly blue. The first was evidently a relative, as might be the second--who resided at Tuorna, a nearby village. Your previous address, if any: The blue brightened to green, flashed momentarily into yellow. Watching Alice's face, Gersen saw her compress her lips, then lean forward with a determined expression; simultaneously the indicator swung back through green toward blue. She wrote: Wild Isle, Cytherea Tempestre. The references were: 1. Jason Bone, Wild Isle. 2. Jade Channifer, Wild Isle. To the next question, inquiring as to previous address, she responded without tension: 1012-792nd Avenue, Blackford's Landing, Terranova, Denebola V. As references she cited: 1. Dain Audenave, 1692-753rd Avenue. 2. Willow Tarras, 1941-777th Avenue. The following questions were those designed to exert maximum pressure. If nonresident, why have you come to Pontefract? As Alice studied the question the indicator glowed yellow and flickered into orange. Her tension diminished... . The indicator returned to green. She wrote: To secure employment. Turning the page, Alice discovered the photograph of the contest, and the question: Do you know or recognize any of the persons here depicted? The indicator light glowed yellow, then orange. She deliberated a moment and the color became yellow green. Presently she filled in all the boxes with 0's. At box 6, the light glowed pink. She quickly turned the page, to avoid looking at the photograph, and her tension diminished slowly into green. What is his or her name, or their names? The light glowed vermilion. Alice answered the question with a dash. What are the circumstances of your acquaintance? The light glowed red. Alice answered with a second dash. If engaged, when can you start work? The light cooled quickly into green and greenish blue, as if in relief. At once. The questionnaire now was complete. As Alice reread it, Gersen watched her face. This slender red-haired girl was the instrument of Howard Alan Treesong. Conceivably she knew him by another name, and in this case she might or might not know his reputation. In due course the truth would become known... . Gersen rose to his feet and sauntered across the room. She looked up with an uncertain smile. "I've just finished." Gersen glanced at the responses. "This looks to be in order... . You're originally from Terranova, it appears." "Yes. My family moved out into Virgo five years ago. My father is, well, a consultant at Wild Isle. Have you ever been there?" "No. I understand it's rather a different environment than here." Gersen contrived to speak in a voice of tired disapproval. Alice encompassed him with a glance, expressionless save for a flicker of wonder. She responded without intonation. "Yes. It's a kind of dreamland, not altogether real." "Out of idle curiosity, why did you leave?" Alice shrugged. "I wanted to travel, and see something of other worlds." "Do you intend to go back?" "I hardly know. At the moment I'm only interested in working for Extant. I've always wanted to be a journalist." Gersen paced slowly back and forth, hands behind his back, a figure of pompous elegance. He spoke in a ponderous voice. "Allow me a moment to consult Mrs. Ench. I'll find what positions are open." "Certainly, sir." Gersen wandered through the contest room, where a dozen clerks processed great stacks of contest envelopes. He checked the computer readout. Thirteen persons already had identified number seven as John Gray, and ten knew number five as Sabor Vidol: identifications which might well be considered definite. The tall gaunt man with the philosopher's forehead and the foxy jaw was known by a variety of names: Bentley Strange, Fred Framp, Kynl Kyster, Mr. Wharfish, Silas Sparkhammer, Arthur Artleby, Wilton Freebus, a dozen more. Gersen returned to his office. Alice Wroke had moved to a chair close to his desk. Gersen halted to look at her, admiring the pleasant accord between her orange-red curls and her dusky ivory-tan skin. She smiled. "Why are you inspecting me so?" Gersen spoke in his most pompous and nasal voice. "If nothing else. Miss Wroke, you are indeed a most decorative bit of work. Though I will ask, should you choose to enter our employment, that you dress a bit more sedately." "Then I am to be hired?" "Tonight we will check your references, and I am sure that they will reinforce my favorable opinion of you. I suggest that you report for work tomorrow at the second gong." "Thank you very much, Mr. Lucas." Alice's smile conveyed no great emotion. If anything, she seemed strained and disheartened. "Where will I be working?" "At the moment Mrs. Ench is adequately staffed; however, I need an assistant to manage the office when I am out. I believe that you are well equipped to handle the job." "Thank you, Mr. Lucas." Alice rose to her feet. She turned Gersen a glance over her shoulder, flirtatious, demure, puzzled, sad, and apprehensive, in equal proportions. She departed the office. Gersen looked after her. Curious, most curious. 4 A former colleague recalls Howard Alan Treesong, then about eighteen years old, when they worked at the Philadelphia factory of the Elite Candy Company: "He was restless and fluid and unpredictable, like a puddle of quicksilver on a table, but I always got along well with him. He seemed mild and rational. Certainly he was clever and amusing, and he had an inclination for wild practical jokes. Sometimes he carried the mischief too far--much too far. One day he brought in a box of dead bugs--cockroaches, bumblebees, beetles--and carefully fixed up a box of chocolate creams, each candy containing a big bug. He put it out for shipment, and said to me with a faraway look on his face: 'I wonder who will receive my little surprise.' "But that wasn't what got him fired. There was a foolish old lady named Fat Aggie who always wore high-topped black shoes, which she took off when she sat down to work. Howard stole the shoes and filled them to the brim with peanut fondant in one and our Supreme Molasses Taffy Delight in the other, then put them back under Aggie's chair. "That trick cost Howard his job. I never saw him again." In the morning Alice Wroke appeared at the Extant offices wearing a skirt and jacket of a soft blue stuff which clung lovingly to her slender haunches. A black ribbon confined her orange hair; coming through the old black wood doorway she made an arresting picture. She was intelligent enough to realize as much, so Gersen felt assured. The costume was hardly as conservative as that which he had suggested, but he decided to let the matter rest; he gained nothing by exaggerating his role as a pompous frump. Alice Wroke, who seemed not only intelligent but perceptive, might not be deceived. "Good morning, Mr. Lucas," said Alice in a soft voice. "What do you wish me to do?" This morning the valet at Penwipers had laid out for Gersen gray trousers with a lavender pinstripe, a black frock coat, pinched at the shoulders, flaring at the hips, with a white high-collared shirt and a black-and-lavender striped cravat, to which the chief porter had added a black hat with a foppish side-slanting brim and a purple ribbon. In the costume Gersen felt cramped and constricted; he needed only to hunch his shoulders to split the coat down the back. His discomfort and annoyance, together with the need to hold his chin high over the stiff collar, imposed upon him a manner which might easily be interpreted as priggish disdain for the commonality with whom he was forced to associate. Well, so be it, thought Gersen. He said, in a voice to suit his costume: "Miss Wroke! I have taken counsel with Mrs. Ench and temporarily at least you will be assisting me, in the capacity of private secretary. I am discovering more paperwork than I care to handle and, if I may say so, you add a colorful accent to an otherwise drab office." Alice Wroke gave a small involuntary grimace of annoyance, which amused Gersen. A most peculiar situation. Alice Wroke, were she intimately associated with Howard Alan Treesong, must be a wicked woman indeed. Hard to believe... . Gersen invented work to keep Alice occupied, and went out to check the tabulations. Incoming mail now filled a bin. Six clerks opened the entries, examined the contents, entered the information into the rationalizer. Gersen went to the readout screen at the end of the room, which only he and Mrs. Ench were allowed to use. He touched a button to call up the tabulations to date. Nineteen persons now had identified number 7 as John Gray, of Four Winds, on Alphanor; his identity might be regarded as certain. The same could be said for number 5, Sabor Vidol, of London, Earth; number 1, Sharrod Yest, of Nova Bactria; and number 9, A. Gieselman, of Long Parade, Espandencia, Algenib IX. Number 6 was known far and wide across the Oilumene by a variety of names: Kyril Kyster, Timothy Trimmons, Bentley Strange, Fred Framp, Silas Sparkhammer, Wilson Wharfish, Oberon. Number 4 was named twice as lan Bilfred, of the Pallas Technical Institute, at Pallas, Alcyone. Gersen returned to his office, remembering, as he passed through the door, to reassume the role of Henry Lucas. During his absence, Alice had reconsidered her tactics. Now, the better to manipulate this overdressed dunderhead, she thought to try breezy affability, perhaps even a bit of flirtation. Good enough, thought Gersen. Why not? "I wonder if I have read any of your articles, Mr. Lucas. Your name is very familiar." "Possibly, Miss Wroke, quite possibly." "Do you have special subjects you write about?" "Crime. Vice. Dreadful deeds." Alice looked at him askance. "Really?" Gersen realized that for an instant he had let his mask slip. He made an airy gesture. "Someone must write such things. How else is the public to know?" "But you hardly seem the sort to be interested in such things." "Oh? What topics would you consider appropriate for me?" Again Alice turned him a glance of wary speculation. "Civilized things," she said brightly. "The best restaurants, for instance. Or the wines of Earth. Or Lily Milk*, or Si Shi Shim dancing." *A precious ceramicware, produced along the Susimara Islands of Yellow Sun Planet. Gersen gave his head a sad shake. "Those aren't my subjects. What of yourself?" "Oh, I'm not expert at anything." "This Si Shi Shim dancing, how does it go?" "Well--one needs the proper music. Gongs, water flutes, a kurdaitsy--that's a rather repulsive trained beast which squeals when its tail is pulled. The costumes are mostly feather anklets, but neither the dancers nor the audience seem to mind. Actually, I can't do it well, if at all." "Oh, come, I'm sure you're over-modest. How does it go?" "Please, Mr. Lucas. Suppose someone looked into the office and saw me gyrating about, what would they think?" "Quite right," said Gersen. "We must set an example of decorum. At least during working hours. Where are you staying now?" "I'm still at St. Diarmid's." Alice Wroke's response was guarded and cool. "You're here alone? That is to say, you have no local friends or relatives?" "I am quite alone, Mr. Lucas. Why do you ask?" "Simple curiosity, Miss Wroke. I hope that you are not offended?" Alice gave a tolerant shrug, returned to the work which Gersen, at some effort, had contrived for her. At noon a caterer's van arrived at the premises. Lunch was served to Mrs. Ench and her clerks in a small refectory; to Gersen and Alice Wroke in Gersen's office. Alice expressed surprise at the arrangements. "Why don't we all eat together? I'm curious as to how the contest is going." Gersen gave his head a magisterial shake. "That is not possible. My superiors have stipulated maximum security, especially in view of the rumor." "Rumor? What rumor is that?" "A notorious criminal has interested himself in the contest: that's the rumor. Personally I am skeptical. Still, who knows? We've even arranged sleeping accommodations here for our clerks. They won't leave the premises until after a winner is declared." "It seems a bit exaggerated," said Alice. "Who is the notorious criminal?" "It's absolute rubbish," declared Gersen loftily. "I refuse to disseminate such nonsense!" Alice became haughty. "I'm really not interested." And during the lunch she retreated into herself, from time to time darting opaque glances toward Gersen. After lunch Gersen invented more work for Alice, then carefully set the slant-brimmed hat on his head. "I'll be gone an hour or so." "Very well, Mr. Lucas." Gersen went to the Penwipers Hotel. From his room he called St. Diarmid's Inn. "Miss Alice Wroke, please." After a pause the receptionist replied: "Miss Wroke is not currently in the hotel, sir." "I believe she's in room 262?" "No, sir, it's room 441." "Is any other member of her party in the room?" "She's alone, sir. Will you leave a message?" "No, it's nothing important." "Thank you, sir." Gersen assembled various articles of gear, packed them in a case. To forestall difficulty at the front desk, he changed into afternoon wear, then departed the hotel. At this time of day, afternoon tea break, the dank old streets of Pontefract were crowded with men in flare-bottomed brown and black suits and buxom pink-faced women in voluminous patterned skirts and black capes. Gersen soon arrived at St Diarmid's Inn. He entered and surveyed the lobby, but saw nothing he could consider consequential. He approached the registration counter and pretended to make calculations on a sheet of paper. The clerk watched a moment, then approached "Sir, may I oblige you?" Gersen wrote several numbers on his paper while the clerk watched in perplexity "I need a room for several days or a week, during the Numerologists Congress. Mathematical vibrations indicate number 441, and I will engage this room." Gersen placed an SVU on the counter, and the clerk hastened to consult a readout screen "A pity, sir. That room is already engaged." "Then I must have either 440 or 442." "I can oblige you with room 442, sir." "It will serve adequately. I am Aldo Brise." Established in room 442, Gersen went to the wall and placed a microphone against the paneling. From 441 came no sound. In the corner he dropped to his knees, drilled a minute hole, and inserted a near-invisible audio pickup. He attached a recorder, which then he coupled to the telephone. He placed the recorder in a drawer, opened the circuit, made tests, and departed. Returning to his office he entered, stalked across the room, carefully doffed his hat, placed it on a shelf. Then he favored Alice with a stately nod, to which she returned a demure murmur and a quiet side-glance from under her long dark lashes Gersen settled himself at his desk with a grunt, sat frowning into space for five minutes, as if deep in thought. Then he rose to his feet, went out into the passage, and so to the workroom. The clerks were at the full tide of work. Gersen looked over the current listing at the rationalizer. Identification of all the subjects could now be considered complete, save for number 6, who was known by a variety of names. As yet no one had used the name Howard Alan Treesong. Gersen went back to his office. Alice looked up from her desk. "How goes the contest?" "Extremely well, from a promotional standpoint Response exceeds our projection by seventeen percent." "But no one has won the grand prize?" "Not yet." "Why did you use that particular photograph?" Gersen went to his desk and seated himself with the gravity of a judge. He spoke in his nasal voice: "I have never thought it appropriate to ask." Alice pulled in the corners of her mouth but said nothing. After a moment Gersen put the tips of his fingers together. "I think that I can inform you, in absolute confidence, of course, that all our subjects except one have been correctly identified." Alice gave an indifferent shrug "I'm not all that interested, Mr. Lucas." "Come now," said Gersen, heavily facetious, "let's not have our noses out of joint. I believe you mentioned that your home is Cytherea Tempestre?" "For several years now, yes." "I understand that people conduct themselves most informally on Cytherea." Alice considered, "I'm not sure I know what you mean by 'informally.' " "Isn't there often--let us say--a bit of excess?" "Yes, that's occasionally true. Tourists often misbehave when they're away from home. Some of the worst offenders are from Pontefract." Gersen laughed. Alice, watching him sidelong, thought: The idiot is human after all. "Have you ever visited the Wild Isle casinos? I'm told people gamble away vast sums of money." "They can hardly expect to win." Gersen said with plangent severity. "The money they lose lines the pockets of notorious criminals." "So I've heard," said Alice. "My father lines his pockets, so to speak, at the casinos, but I don't think that he is a notorious criminal." "I should hope not. Is he a gambler?" "To the contrary. He designs gambling machines and adjusts them so that they fleece the gamblers. He finds his work entertaining. I've heard him say that he lacks all sympathy for gamblers. He considers them self-indulgent, foolish, and lazy, if not psychotic." Alice inspected Gersen with an innocent expression. "I hope that you're not a gambler, Mr. Lucas. I wouldn't care to hurt your feelings." "Rest easy, Miss Wroke. I am neither vulnerable to casual deprecation, nor a gambler." "In regard to the contest, which one has not yet been properly identified?" Gersen said evenly: "Number six." "When will the contest be over?" "I don't know." Gersen looked at his watch. "I have no further work for you today, Miss Wroke. You may leave at any time." "Thank you, Mr. Lucas." Alice slipped on her jacket and went to the door. She paused and gave Gersen a tentative smile. "Will there be anything more tonight, Mr. Lucas?" "No, thank you, Miss Wroke. I'll see you in the morning." Alice departed. Gersen went out into the contest room and stood watching the operatives. Then he returned to his office, removed his coat, and subjected walls, windows, floor, ceiling, and all the contents of the room to a slow and expert inspection. Had the need arisen, he could have carried detection devices to measure the quiver of energy flux, but the process might well attract attention to his vigilance. High in a corner of the ceiling he noticed a few strands of web, which might have been spun by a spider, something the eye would slide away from, unheeding. After five minutes of scrutiny he decided that the web indeed was the work of a spider and brushed it away. He sat in his chair, collar open, cravat loose, and reflected. The time was now late afternoon. Gersen went out into the workroom to find that the evening shift had come on duty. He watched a moment, then, adjusting his garments for the street, departed the office and strolled through cool evening mist to Penwipers. The doorman acknowledged his arrival with a grave bow; the footman hurried forward to take his hat and to assist him up the stairs, as if he were a centenarian. Gersen went up to his rooms. He removed his coat and seated himself at the telephone... . He hesitated, hand in midair. He gave a snort of sour mirth. Eavesdrop devices at Penwipers? Unthinkable! To make absolutely sure--after all, the doors were innocent of locks--he tested the premises with his detector, the specifications of which he himself laid down. The room was clean of spy cells. Gersen went to the telephone and called room 442 at St. Diarmid's Inn. "Mr. Brise is not in," stated his answering device. "Please leave a message." Gersen spoke a code word to activate the recorder. A musical tone notified him that material had been recorded and announced the time of the reception: only half an hour previously. The first sound was Alice's voice. "Mr. Albert Strand, please." "Thank you, madam." An institutional voice, thought Gersen. A moment later: "Hullo Alice." "Hello, Mr. Sparkhammer." "Tish, Alice! Also tush! Remember, here I am the gentleman Albert Strand of the Wambs County Strands." "Sorry. Does it make any difference?" "Who knows?" The voice was airy. "We are dealing with clever people. Not that we can't deal with them, but let us nurture our advantages. Boldness, power, stealth, decision. Let these be our watchwords." "Don't forget fear," said Alice in a soft, bitter voice. "And of course, fear. So then, what have you learned?" This was a rich voice, under exquisite lilting control. Gersen listened with rapt attention. Alice responded in a voice almost without expression. "This morning, when I arrived at work, Mr. Lucas told me I was to be his private secretary." "Oh, dear me. I had not reckoned upon that. So then, what of Mr. Lucas?" "He is careful about security--extremely so. I am not allowed into the contest room. Today I tried twice while he was out, but Mrs. Ench turned me away. I asked Mr. Lucas how the contest was going and he became insufferably pompous He said that everyone in the picture had been identified except one--number six. No one as yet has come near winning the prize." "And that is all?" "I'm afraid so. Mr. Lucas says very little. He's a silly overdressed fool but rather a cunning fool, if you gather my meaning." "Perfectly. Still, it seems that he is not impervious to your rather remarkable charms." "Well--I'm not sure ..." "Well then, find out! We can't waste time. I have important commitments in the near future." "I'll do my best, Mr. Strand." Alice hesitated, then said: "Actually, you've never explained exactly what you want me to find out." "Haven't I, though?" Mr. Strand's voice became briefly acrid and venomous. "Find out why they are using this specific picture. When and where did they get it? There's something going on, something in back of this contest, and I want to know what." The conversation ended. On the following day Alice made her second report. "Mr. Strand?" "I am here, Alice." "I don't have much to tell you. Today was much like yesterday. I tried to talk about the contest but Mr. Lucas won't answer my questions. He just sits and looks down his nose at me." "Time is becoming critical, Alice " Mr. Strand spoke in a harsh hissing voice, curiously at odds with his mellifluous tones of the day before. "I want results. You know the circumstances." Alice's voice became dull. "I'll try again tomorrow." "You had better try something effective." "But I can't think of anything. He is totally secretive!" "Take him to bed. It's hard to be secretive without any clothes on." "Mr. Sparkhammer--I mean Mr Strand--I can't behave like that! I wouldn't know how!" "Tush, Alice, everyone knows how!" Mr Strand chuckled and his voice lost its menacing rasp, rising in pitch to become gay, quick, and almost brittle in quality. "If you must, you can--and indeed you must." "Mr Strand, really, I don't--" "Alice, you make such an affair of it all! It's most simple. You smile at him, he takes you to dinner. One thing leads to another, and presently you find yourselves without your clothes. Mr. Lucas is panting like a beached haddock. You start to snivel. 'My dear Alice!' cries Mr. Lucas. 'Why, at this ecstatic moment, all these tears?' " 'Because, Mr. Lucas, I am sad and afraid. You are only trifling with me, isn't it true?' " 'Not so, Alice! I am ardent; can't you tell? The thought of your orange curls on that white pillow yonder sets me aquiver! Feel my pulse! Trifling? Never! I am deadly in earnest!' " 'But you treat me like an outsider! Why can't you truly demonstrate your regard for me?' " 'I am ready and anxious to do so.' " 'Not in that fashion. I want your full trust and esteem. For instance, when I show a natural interest in office affairs, such as the contest, you turn away your head. This is why I am sad.' " 'Hrrumph, harra--I wouldn't want so petty a matter to come between us. Tomorrow at the office--' " 'No, Henry, you might become cold again. You must tell me now, to prove your faith.' " 'Well, it's really a simple matter.' And so--out come all the secrets, in a great vulgar belch. In the morning, tired but happy, you communicate what you have learned to me, and all will be well. Otherwise"--here Mr. Strand paused--"otherwise," and his voice dropped half an octave, "I can offer no such assurance." "I see." "You can handle the job?" "I suppose so." "Remember, time is of the essence, as I have a commitment which cannot be disrupted: a gathering of old school chums, in fact. So please put your best efforts into this project, in the manner which I have outlined. After all, you were brought here to Pontefract for precisely this function." "I'll do my best, Mr. Strand." "Your best, I'm sure, will be adequate." The conversation ended; there was silence in the room ? From Fauna of the Vegan Worlds, Volume III: The Fish of Aloysius, by Rapunzel K. Funk: Gaid, also known as the night-train: this is a splendid fish of a lustrous black color, often reaching a length of twenty feet. The body is exceptionally well shaped, with an almost round cross section. The head is large and blunt with a single visual bulb, an aural pod, and a wide mouth, which when open displays an impressive dentition. Immediately behind the head and almost to the tail grows a row of dorsal spines, to the number of fifty-one, each tipped with a luminophor which at night emits a bright blue light. By day the gaid swims beneath the surface, where it feeds upon wracken, borse, and similar creatures. At sundown the night-train rises to the surface and cruises steadily with all lights aglow. The pelagic voyages of the night-train remain a mystery; the fish peregrinates on a direct course, as if to a specified destination. This may be a cape or an island or perhaps an unmarked station in the middle of the ocean. Upon reaching its destination, the night-train halts, floats quietly for half an hour, as if discharging cargo, or taking on passengers, or awaiting orders; then it swings about with majestic and ponderous deliberation. It hears a signal and sets off once more to its next destination, which well may be five thousand miles distant. To come upon this noble fish by night, as it cleaves the black waters of the Aloysian oceans, is a stirring experience indeed. Gersen felt restless, on edge. He went out into the evening and wandered the crooked streets of Pontefract. Somewhat to his surprise he found himself at St. Diarmid's Inn. He halted and looked along what was by Pontefract standards a garish facade, of pale blue and purple tiles. Gersen moved on, across Mullawney Square into Portee Old Town, a tawdry district of taverns, odd shops, artists' studios, fned-fish booths, and discreet brothels, each showing an illuminated green-glass globe, in accordance with ancient law. Presently he arrived at the waterfront. He stood looking across Bottleglass Bay, to the far lights of Port Rufus. A breeze brought him the smell of the Aloysian mudflats. Gersen had stood beside many shores, on many worlds. No two had smelled alike... . At the end of a nearby pier a string of colored lights festooned the front of a restaurant. Gersen walked out on the pier, looked into the restaurant, which seemed cheerful and clean, with red-checkered cloths on the tables. The name of the restaurant was Murdock's Bay View Grill. Gersen entered and dined upon the house specialties, which were in the main derived from the ocean. Aloysian cooking tended to blandness; Murdock, however, seemed to have no fear of sharp herbs and piquant sauces. Gersen sat a long time looking out the windows toward the lights of Port Ruins and listening to the mutter of slow waves on the ancient piles below. It seemed that as time went by Gersen found himself ever more susceptible to strange moods, to which no name could be applied. In the early years his emotions focused along a single axis: hate, grief, revengeful lust. He had been humorless, clenched, passionate only in his dedication. Now there were numerous axes, in many directions. Was the intensity thereby diluted? A profitless line of inquiry. His strategies, so he reflected, were at least partially effective. Howard Alan Treesong had been lured into tantalizing proximity, conceivably in Pontefract itself. Possibly at this instant he strolled the cramped old streets, or took his ease in one of the formal hotels, where now he sat thinking dire thoughts, contriving plans. Gersen looked around the restaurant. Somewhere Howard Treesong might be at his evening repast... . Among the patrons of Murdock's Bay View Grill there was no tall spare man with a philosopher's forehead and a cunning foxy jaw. Treesong was elsewhere. Gersen went to the telephone, called the Penwipers Hotel. "Henry Lucas here. Has my friend Mr. Strand registered? ... No? What about Mr. Sparkhammer? ... No one of that name either ... Then do me a service, if you please. With discretion--do not mention my name--try to find where Mr. Strand and Mr. Sparkhammer are staying." "I'll do my best, sir." Gersen returned to his table. Small chance of locating Treesong so easily. He must be teased, baited, and tricked, and Alice Wroke must necessarily be the intermediary. It would be a fascinating game, mused Gersen, especially since Alice thought him pompous, stuffy, vain, overdressed, and silly. Gersen departed the restaurant and returned to Penwipers. The desk clerk, as expected, had been unable to locate either Mr. Strand or Mr. Sparkhammer. Gersen assured him that the affair was of no consequence and went to his room. No one had passed through the door since his departure, the telltale he had installed was still in place. In the morning the valet outdid himself and dressed Gersen in a costume so splendid that even the doorman stared in admiration. Gersen arrived at the Extant offices to find Alice Wroke already at her desk. Gersen gave her a civil greeting, to which she replied in kind. Today she wore a knee-length skirt of a dark brown stuff and an ash-beige singlet, which suited her coloring to perfection. The costume showed her slender figure to advantage; her orange hair had been brushed till it shone. Sitting at his desk, Gersen pretended to ignore her presence. Several times, glancing across the room, he found her eyes upon him, pondering, appraising, wondering. Gersen went out into the contest workroom. Mrs. Ench brought him a letter. "A near winner, Mr. Lucas! Perhaps even a winner! And how very strange it all is!" Gersen read the letter: Contest Manager, Extant, Pontefract, Aloysius Sirs. I can identify the persons in your photograph. It was my duty to attend them at the terrible event which cost them their lives This photograph was taken in the Rainflower Room at Wild Isle Inn. They are about to sup on the charnay which unaccountably poisoned them all, save only Mr. Sparkhammer. The names of those at the table are, reading from left to right Sharrod Yest, Dianthe de Trembuscule, Beatrice Utz, Robun Martiletto, Sabor Vidol, Stanley Sparkhammer, John Gray. The men standing are lan Bilfred A. Gleselman, Artemus Gadouth. I know their names from the place cards which I myself prepared. Two other men were present. Neither of them ate charnay and so both survived. The picture, incidentally, is customarily made in order to record the sign of the chef who prepared each serving of charnay. The signs are the little colored signal posts of each place. In this case the wonder persists, as several chefs prepared the charnay. Poison was evidently transmitted by a tainted utensil. I trust that I have satisfied the conditions of your contest and will win the prize. Cletus Parsrval. Wild Isle Inn, Wild Isle, Cyntherea Tempestre "Most interesting," said Gersen. "The letter is evidently genuine." "So it seems to me." Mrs. Ench turned Gersen a curious glance. "Did you know what this Parsival fellow tells us--that these men died of poison?" "I am as surprised as you. But it won't hurt Extant's circulation." "Why would anyone eat this charnay if it is known to be poison? Very strange goings-on!" "Exactly so, Mrs. Ench." "Well, this Mr. Parsival seems to have the names correctly," said Mrs. Ench. "All except number six. Sparkhammer is not his proper name." "Hmmf," said Mrs. Ench. "That number six is a will-o'-the-wisp in the matter of identity." "Yes, he seems a strange case." "I'd be inclined to name Mr. Parsival the winner and let be," said Mrs. Ench. "Surely no one has given us so long a list." "I'm inclined to agree," said Gersen. "But still we'll have to wait out the rest of the contest. How is the mail?" "About the same. Perhaps slacking a trifle." "Very well, Mrs. Ench, keep up the good work. And ask your people to be most attentive in regard to mention of number six." "I will do so, Mr. Lucas." Unlike Alice Wroke, Mrs. Rnch considered Gersen a polite and gracious gentleman, "without any side to him," as she put it to her sister. Gersen returned with the letter to his office. Alice asked brightly, "Do you have exciting news?" Gersen ponderously settled himself at his desk. Alice waited, her face frozen in a mask of cheerful expectancy. Gersen spoke in his most nasal and affected drawl. "As a matter of fact, we have a letter identifying all our faces." "Correctly?" "He claims to have inscribed the place names at the banquet." "Then the names would seem to be correct." "Not necessarily. There is one very dubious identification." "Oh? Which one?" Gersen darted her a stern glance. "I'm not sure that it's proper for me to comment upon these matters, Alice. Not just yet, anyway." Alice's face fell. She gave a small grimace. Gersen, watching surreptitiously, thought: Now she considers how best to arrange her beguilements. Alice jumped to her feet, went to the commode, where she poured two cups of tea. She placed one of these before Gersen, took the other to her own desk, where she poised herself, half-leaning, half-sitting. "Have you always lived here in Pontefract, Mr. Lucas?" "I have traveled, of course, to many places." Alice sighed. "Pontefract seems so impersonal, even a bit dreary after five years at Wild Isle." Gersen proffered no sympathy. "I can't understand why you came here in the first place." Alice gave a dainty shrug. "A dozen reasons. Wanderlust. Restlessness. Have you ever visited Cytherea?" "Never. I'm told that it's a most hedonistic environment, and that the residents live very unconventional lives." Alice laughed and turned Gersen a saucy side-glance. "In some cases that's true. But not all. At Wild Isle you'll find every range of lifestyle. My mother is almost as conventional as you." Gersen raised his black eyebrows. "What? You consider me conventional?" "Yes, to some extent." "Aha." Gersen gave a scornful grunt, as if to imply that Alice's opinions were callow and superficial. "Tell me more about Wild Isle. Is it true that criminals manage the casinos?" "That is a considerable exaggeration," said Alice. "My father is not a criminal." "But no one ever wins." "Naturally not." "Do you ever go into the casinos?" "No. It's not at all amusing." "Wild Isle is a city?" "It's more like a tourist resort: casinos, hotels, restaurants, yacht harbors, beaches, and lots of little villas in the hills. It's no longer wild, of course." "Have you ever visited a charnay restaurant?" Alice turned him a look of wary perplexity. "No." "What is charnay like?" "Well, it's a purple fruit with rough skin. Inside, tubes full of poison run along the husk. The fruit itself is said to be delicious, but I've never tried it. I don't want to die. And it's fearfully expensive." Gersen leaned back in his chair. "We've received a suggestion that our contest photograph depicts a charnay banquet." Alice picked up a copy of the photograph and examined it. "Yes ... That might well be true." "Very strange! You might have passed some of these people in the street." Alice's response was cool. "Possible. But not likely. Thousands of transients pass through Wild Isle. And there's no indication when the picture was taken; it might be ten years old." "It's a recent picture. Everyone has been identified, and we're now into authentication." "So someone has won the contest?" "I made no such statement." Alice asked ingenuously: "How did you come by the picture?" "I rescued it from the trash can, as a matter of fact. But I mustn't gossip about the contest; all results are not yet in. Why don't you take the rest of the day off, Alice? I'll be busy away from the office." "Thank you, Mr. Lucas. I don't quite know what to do with myself. I'm acquainted with no one in town but yourself--and you're so remote." "What nonsense!" declared Gersen. "You can't really think so!" "But I do! Perhaps you don't think it proper to have social contacts with the staff. Is that company policy?" "I'm sure there's no such rule." "Do you think I'm dowdy and plain?" "To the contrary," said Gersen in all sincerity. "I consider you most engaging. Extraordinarily so. I'm sorry that you find Pontefract so dreary. Perhaps we might have supper together sometime." Alice's lips trembled. A smile? A grimace? In a demure voice she said, "That would be nice. Why not tonight?" "Why not indeed? ... Let me see. Where are you staying?" "St. Diarmid's Inn." "I'll meet you in the lobby, at Median." "I feel much better already, Mr. Lucas." ? In Praise of Charnay! Of all the good things to be had in this bountiful universe, there is nothing to exceed a fine ripe charnay, except two or three more of the same. --from Gustations, by Michael Wiest If one must die--and this seems to be the general fate--why perform the act in mean and vulgar style? Rather, die splendidly, in a manner all will envy, engorged with charnay. --Gillian Seal, chef, musician, and bon vivant Believe or disbelieve as you will, but a safe, salubrious, and non-poisonous charnay could easily be developed, grown, and harvested. But every effort in this direction has been thwarted by the Charnay Growers Association, nor is there any great public clamor for such a development. Is it possible that the admittedly fine flavor of charnay is enhanced by the presence of awful danger? --Leon Wolke, journalist, writing for Cosmopolis, who, two weeks after publication of his article, ate improperly prepared charnay and died. St. Diarmid's Inn had passed through the hands of various owners. Each had contributed original ideas to the decor, eventually producing an effect of considerable novelty. The lobby occupied the entire ground floor. Heavy columns, decorated in ancient Cretan style, supported the ceiling, which was patterned in lavender and pink. Beside each column Rhodanthus palms, in terra-cotta pots, grew to the ceiling, where the bare boles terminated in balls of dark green foliage. By Vegan standards the decor was garish. The movement of many folk, in costumes from every corner of the Oikumene, added life and drama to the hectic and vaguely disheveled atmosphere which characterized St. Diarmid's. Gersen arrived punctiliously on time, wearing what the valet had considered appropriate for an informal evening on the town: skintight black trousers, a shirt vertically striped in black, dark gray and light gray, with a high black neckband in lieu of a cravat. The black jacket, responsive to the dictates of high Pontefract style, was cut away in front, cramped at the shoulders, and almost bell-shaped around the hips. Gersen had refused a plumed hat, and the valet somewhat sulkily had allowed him the use of a soft, square black cap. With his harsh saturnine face, black curls, and pallid skin tone, he made a striking picture, one which, however, brought him satisfaction other than a kind of mischievous pleasure in playing disguises and befuddling poor Alice Wroke. Gersen saw her coming along the central aisle, looking diffidently this way and that. Gersen examined her as if he had never seen her before: the wistful mouth, short delicate nose, cheeks slanting to a small chin. Tonight her orange hair hung loosely past her ears, almost to the shoulders of her simple smoke gray frock. She saw Gersen; her expression became charged with a synthetic enthusiasm. She nipped up her hand in a gay greeting and crossed the room at a half trot, to halt ten feet from Gersen. She gave him an admiring head-to-toe inspection. "I must say, Mr. Lucas, that you turn yourself out most elegantly." "It's Penwipers all the way," said Gersen. "Give the credit to my valet." Alice heard him without any great comprehension. Still smiling brightly she said, "Well then, where shall we dine? Here? The Escutcheon Room is pleasant." "Too loud, too crowded," said Gersen. "I know a place far more exclusive." "I place myself completely in your hands," said Alice. "This way then, out into the Vegan night." They left St. Diarmid's and Alice gingerly took Gersen's arm. "Where are we going?" "It's a pleasant night," said Gersen. "We can walk, if you like." "I don't mind." They crossed Mullawney Square to Beaudry Lane, and so into Partee Old Town. "Unreal," muttered Gersen to himself. "We walk the streets of Pontefract, she in her masquerade, I in mine." Alice sensed something of Gersen's mood. "Mr. Lucas, why are you so somber?" Gersen evaded the question. "You may call me Henry. We are not at the office." "Thank you. Henry." She looked uneasily over her shoulder. "I haven't been in this part of town before." "It's not at all like Wild Isle?" "Not at all." Presently they arrived at the waterfront and Murdochs Bay View Grill. Alice considered Gersen thoughtfully. Mr. Lucas, so stuffy and meticulous, seemed to have unconventional facets to his character. They sat in a corner of the restaurant, beside a window. Below them the water heaved in slow swells and sighed through the piles; stars and far lights reflected from the dark surface. Gersen asked, "Can you find your home star?" "I don't know the patterns from here." Gersen looked around the sky. "It's already set. But there's old Sol yonder." Their dinner was served a soup of native artichokes, a stew of crustaceans, onions, and herbs bubbling in brown pots, a salad of fresh greens. Alice nibbled at this and that, and in response to Gersen's question, pleaded lack of appetite. She drank several glasses of wine and achieved a degree of vivacity. "And what of the contest?" she asked. "Is it still a mystery? Especially from me?" "Mystery? No longer. But let's not talk shop. You're the mystery. Tell me about yourself." Alice frowned out across Bottleglass Bay "There's nothing much to tell. Life at Wild Isle isn't all that exciting, except for the tourists." "I'm still baffled about why you came to Pontefract." "Oh--circumstances." Dessert was served, fruit tarts and heavy coffee smothered with cream, in accordance with Aloysian taste. Gersen, who felt that he had lapsed far enough from character, attempted a ponderous analysis of Pontefract politics, of which he knew next to nothing. Alice sat apathetically, looking out the window across the dark water, her own thoughts obviously not focused on Gersen's remarks. Finally Gersen asked: "Where now? There isn't much entertainment in Pontefract, except at the Mummery, and we're too late for the program. Would you care for a carouse in one of the taverns along the docks?" "No ... I suppose we should go back to the hotel." A top-heavy old cab conveyed them back to St. Diarmid's Inn. In the lobby Gersen halted and performed a pontifical bow, as if to take his leave. Alice said quickly, "Oh, please don't go so soon." Looking off across the lobby she spoke in a carefully offhand voice. "You can come up to my room, if you like." Gersen protested politely. "But you must be tired." Still looking away and with a trace of a flush coming over her face, Alice said, "No. Not really. In fact, I'm--well, lonely." Gersen bowed formally once again, in acquiescence. "In that case I'll be happy to come up with you." He took her arm; they went to the lift and rode up to the fourth floor. Alice opened the door and walked into the room, rigid as a prisoner. Gersen followed warily. He halted in the doorway and surveyed the room. Alice watched incuriously, not even troubling to inquire the reasons for his vigilance. Reassured, Gersen came slowly forward. He closed the door. "Henry," said Alice breathlessly. "May I call you Henry?" "I've told you so already." "I forgot. Isn't that idiotic? Let me take your hat and coat." Gersen tossed the hat into a chair and relinquished his coat. "That's a relief. The Pontefract tailors have no concept of the human form." "Sit down, Henry--there." Gersen obediently eased himself down upon the couch. Alice brought a silver tray from the sideboard. "What is all this?" asked Gersen. "Candied flower petals. Hydromel crystals. This is Liquor of Life, from Sirsse." She poured clear green tincture into a pair of small bowls. "At home, lovers drink Sirsse together," said Alice. "Of course we've not lovers, you and I, but..." "But what?" "Oh--nothing particular." Gersen tasted the liquor, which seemed heady and subtle. Alice asked, "Do you like it?" "It's unusual, certainly. And very fragrant." Alice settled beside him and sipped from her own bowl. "It makes me feel shuddery!" Gersen was surprised to find his arm around her shoulders, he had intended to maintain his decorum. She relaxed against him and he kissed her--rather more than sheer decorum might have dictated. Alice looked at him with pupils dark and dilated. Gersen asked, "What's wrong? Have I offended you?" "Oh no." She laughed nervously. "You frighten me, just a little. You're so different from Mr. Lucas at the office. I don't know how to describe it." "There's definitely only one of me." She poured out more of the liquor. "Drink." "The lovers' potion?" "If you want to call it that." "Do you have another lover?" "No ... What of you?" "I'm quite alone." Alice put up her face and he kissed her again. Her dress fell apart at the front, revealing her torso and a small round breast. She seemed not at all perturbed Gersen heaved a deep sigh. "This can't go any further." "No?" Alice touched his cheek. "I can't dispel a cruel suspicion." Alice stared at him in consternation "What do you mean?" "I'd be very hurt to learn that you were cultivating me only to gain information about the contest. Absurd, of course." Alice sat tense and pale. "Absurd, indeed." "Well, then, could we be lovers if I told you nothing whatever about the contest?" "This becomes so intellectual ... I couldn't love someone who places no trust in me." "In other words--no." "But I don't want it to be that way," said Alice earnestly. Gersen reflected a moment. "It seems that, to demonstrate my trust, I must tell you everything I know." "If you wish." "Very well, why not?" Gersen stretched his legs out and put his hands behind his head. "There's really not much to tell. The persons in the picture have been identified, all except one, whose identity is known to us under a different name." From his pocket Gersen brought a list, from which he read names: "Yest, de Trembuscule, Utz, Bilfred, Vidol, Sparkhammer, Gray, Gadouth, Gieselman, Martiletto; all correct except 'Sparkhammer,' who is know by dozens of other names. No one has submitted his real name. Does that surprise you?" "No. Why should it?" Gersen tossed the list upon the table and leaned back once. "Because he would seem to be a notorious criminal named Howard Alan Treesong." "Howard Alan Treesong? That can't be true!" "Why not?" Alice had no answer. "The people in the photograph are all dead--except number six, who is Treesong. What does that suggest to you?" Alice, with her thoughts far away, responded with a gloomy shrug. "I don't understand any of this." "There's another aspect to the matter," said Gersen. "If number six is Howard Treesong--and he surely is--I'd like to interview him. Extant could very profitably use such a piece, or a short autobiography. I wish I knew some way to get this message to him. I want him to communicate with me." Alice stared across the room and away into nothingness. Gersen rose to his feet. He picked up his coat and hat Alice looked up and spoke in a husky half whisper. "Are you going?" Gersen nodded. "I've told you everything I know." "But you haven't!" Alice blurted despairingly. "How did you get the photograph?" "I walked into the Cosmopolis library: I looked into the trash basket and found this photograph. No one could tell me anything about it, and so the Extant contest was born." "Who put the picture into the trash basket?" "A young and foolish clerk." "Still--why did you choose this particular photograph? There must have been many others equally suitable." "Someone unknown had written 'Treesong is here' on the picture. I became interested because there are no known likenesses of Treesong available. I felt that the picture would have considerable news value. As it happens, that is the case." Alice sat silently. Gersen went to the door. "Good night." Alice looked at him with a tired gaze. "I wonder how much you know of me." "Not a great deal. Is there anything you want to tell me? Trust works both ways." Alice gave her head a sad shake. "I haven't anything to tell." "Good night then." "Good night." Alice sat where Gersen had left her, leaning back on the couch, legs stretched out, a wintry expression on her face. She ran her fingers through her orange hair, pushing the curls back from her forehead into a tangle. For ten minutes she sat deep in reverie. Then, rousing herself, she went to the telephone and made a complicated connection. A voice spoke. "Alice, so early? You're a pair of fast workers." Alice responded in a level voice. "I have your information. The persons in the photograph are as follows--" She read names from the list Gersen had left behind. "What is the source of these names?" "All the different entries. There's also at least one entry listing the names all correctly, except one." "And which name is that?" "Mr. Lucas said that 'Sparkhammer' seems to use many different names: Fred Framp, Bentley Strange, Howard Alan Treesong ... I've forgotten the rest." A silence. Then in a different voice, calm and meditative, "What did Mr. Lucas make of this?" "I think he's anxious that Mr. Sparkhammer, or Mr Treesong, should get in touch with him for an interview. He wants to publish Mr. Treesong's autobiography." The response was prompt and definite. "He is doomed to disappointment. Mr. Sparkhammer, or Mr. Treesong, whatever his name, has no taste for such a vulgar antic. How did Extant come into possession of the photograph?" "Mr. Lucas found it in a trash basket in the Cosmopolis library. A clerk had thrown it away." "Odd, most odd ... Are these facts?" "1 think so." "How did the photograph arrive at Cosmopolis?" "I didn't think to ask; I suppose it came in whatever way is usual." "And what led him to select this particular photograph?" "Someone had written on it 'Treesong is here.' That attracted Mr. Lucas's attention." "So he proposed a contest to identify Mr. Treesong and his colleagues." "That is what he told me." "Did he say why?" "He said he very much wanted to publish Mr. Treesong's autobiography. As I told you, he wants Mr. Treesong to get in touch with him." "Small chance of that. Mr. Treesong is very busy with urgent affairs." Mr. Strand became silent, for so long an interval that Alice began to fidget. Then: "What else did he tell you?" "Not very much. He knows that the photograph was taken at Wild Isle, and that everyone died of charnay except Mr. Sparkhammer. Another long silence. Then: "Very good, Alice. In the main you have done well." "I can go back home7 And you will do as you promised?" "Not yet. Oh dear no, not yet! You must remain at your post! Keep your eyes and ears open. This Henry Lucas person, what do you make of him?" Alice spoke in a bleak voice: "I don't know what to make of him. He's a contradiction." "Hmmf. That tells me nothing. But no matter, continue as before. Tomorrow I am going away; and for a day or so you will not be able to reach me. Continue your intimacy with Mr. Lucas. I have a feeling that there is something more here, beyond what he has told you." "For how long?" "In due course I will let you know." "Mr. Strand, I've done all I can! Please--" "Alice, I have no time for your complaints. Continue as before and all will be well. Is this understood?" "I suppose so." "Good night then." "Good night." ? Excerpt from an address by Nicholas Reid, Fellow of the Institute, Phase 88, at the Madera Technical College: The Institute is dedicated to human excellence. We try to augment beneficial processes and discourage those which are morbid and septic. Our credo derives from the history of the human race, which evolved across millions of years in the natural environment. What happens when a saltwater fish is transferred into fresh water? It goes into spasms and dies. Consider, then, a creature whose every sense, capability, and instinct have been shaped by the natural environment, by interaction with sun, wind, clouds, rain; the look of mountains and far horizons, the taste of natural food, contact with the soil. What happens when this creature is transferred to a synthetic environment? He becomes neurotic, a victim of hysterical fads, willful hallucination, sexual perversion. He deals with abstractions rather than facts, and so becomes intellectualized and incompetent. Confronted with a real challenge, he screams, curls into a ball, closes his eyes, befouls himself, and waits. He is a pacifist who fears to defend himself. From Better Understanding of the Institute, by Charles Bronstem (82): Urbanized men and women experience not life but the abstraction of life, on ever higher levels of refinement and dislocation from reality. They become processors of ideas, and have evolved such esoteric occupations as the critic, the critic who criticizes criticism, and even the critic who criticizes criticism of criticism. It is a very sad misuse of human talent and energy. From The Institute: A Primer, by Mary Murray: Our tutelary genius is the titan Antaeus. Urbanity is an unnatural habitude. Are we elitist, as it is often asserted? Well, we surely do not consider ourselves the dregs of society. We approve of contrast, social disequilibrium, extremes of wealth. Often we are accused of sponsoring chaos, however, this has never been admitted. The Urbanites Strike Back! "Elitist prigs!" "If they like the Pleistocene so much, why don't they wear skins and live in caves?" "Residents of very lofty and very remote ivory towers which they confuse with 'natural habitat'." "I'd rather push a pencil in an air-conditioned office than push a wheelbarrow in the mud." In almost the same terms: "I'd rather pick flaws in someone's manuscript than pick tomatoes in the hot sun." Again: "I'd rather drive my Fissel Flasher than a balky mule." Gersen stood at a window of his sitting room at Penwipers, brooding down across old Tara Square. The time was midnight, Tara Square was dark and still. Starlight illuminated the roofs of Pontefract, casting black shadows down tall gables, under crooked eaves and thousands of crotchety chimney pots. Gersen's mood was reflected in his posture, he felt morose and drained of energy. The great scheme had failed. The program had gone with precision: Howard Treesong had reacted as positively as Gersen could have hoped, in Alice Wroke he had found a conduit leading to Treesong. Then, almost casually, defeat. For whatever motives--pride, press of affairs, the workings of his uncanny wariness--Howard Treesong had refused to consider the publication of his autobiography, or so much as an interview. There was no further leverage to be found in the contest. In the morning he would put Mrs Ench in charge of the entire project. What next? Alice Wroke remained his single avenue of access to Howard Treesong, but the linkage had become fragile and uncertain. Two questions remained unanswered: How did Howard Treesong control Alice Wroke? Why had Howard Treesong poisoned nine people with charnay? The answers were probably to be found at Wild Isle, but, so Gersen reflected glumly, the information would most likely be stale and useless. Of far more interest what was Howard Treesong's present "urgent business". Of this Alice Wroke evidently knew nothing. No other source of information suggested itself. Gersen looked over the starlit roofs. In the pubs of Partee Old Town lights would still be burning. He looked toward St Diarmid's Inn and wondered if Alice Wroke was still awake. Gersen turned away from the window and stood motionless. Then he threw off the Penwipers shirt, donned a dark gray spaceman's blouse, pulled a soft cap down over his forehead, and started for the door. A chime at the communicator turned him back. He stood frowning at the instrument. Who would be calling him at this hour? The screen came alive and presented the long pale face of Maxel Rackrose "Mr Lucas?" "Speaking." Rackrose spoke in a carefully languid voice. "The information you wanted--authentications and so forth--has come together, except for a few bits and pieces." Maxel Rackrose spoke with such hushed restraint that Gersen instantly became alert. Rackrose said without any great conviction, "I do hope I haven't jerked you from your bed?" "No. I was on my way out the door." "Then why don't you step over to the office for a few minutes? I think you'll be interested in what's turned up." "I'll be right there." The Cosmopolis offices were never closed; work proceeded every hour of the day, every day of the year. A tall glass door whisked aside at Gersen's approach; he entered the foyer, where luminous slabs of colored glass blacked out a Mercator map of Earth. Gersen rode a lift high into the North Tower and so to the offices of Maxel Rackrose, who now used the title Superintendent of Miscellaneous Operations. The outer chamber, which reflected Rackrose's pose of fastidious sophistication, was an exercise in the most exquisite excesses of the High Clapshott style. The inner room, where Rackrose spent most of his time, was a jungle of disorder. A long table supported stacks of books and periodicals, papers, photographs, oddments, curios, and perplexing trifles of junk. There were several stools, a communicator, a complicated device for the brewing of tea, another for the projection of kaleidoscopic patterns on the wall, an attenuated statue of a nude woman, nine feet tall, whose belly opened on the hour to permit a bird to step forth and cry "cuckoo." Rackrose, a tall, angular young man in expensive if unconventional garments, with a long, somewhat equine face, lank blond hair, and heavy-lidded blue eyes, greeted Gersen in a carefully offhand manner. "Sit down, if you will." He waved a limp white hand toward one of his precious antique chairs. "Perhaps you'd take a cup of tea? And a biscuit?" "That would be nice." With tea poured and anise cakes set forth, Rackrose settled into a chair beside a kidney-shaped table. "And how goes your contest?" "Quite well. One entry names nine of ten, and if no one does better I think we'll nominate him the winner. What of your authentications?" Rackrose leaned back, pressed the tips of his fingers together, looked toward the ceiling with pursed lips. "In accordance with your instructions, I processed all available information. I started with the Index* and information from our own files. I may say that there was no trouble with authentication. The subjects are persons of substance and reputation. Except for number six. None of his purported names correlates with anything other than disreputable activities. In short, he seems to be a criminal." *A directory or identities, originally compiled by the IPCC and continually augmented by other agencies. The Index includes the records of history, social welfare registrations, military rosters, passenger lists of interplanetary vessels, birth, marriage, and death records, telephone directories, school and university graduation lists, criminal identifications, the memberships of clubs, associations, and fellowships, names culled from the daily news by automatic scanners. "What of the others?" "Aha! That's where we make an interesting discovery. I found recurring references to the Institute, and such remarks as 'said to rank high in the hierarchy,' and 'an apparently high-ranking Fellow.' In fact, Beatrice Utz is identified as '103.' Artemus Gadouth was the Triune."* *The Institute grades its Fellows with Ranks 1 through 111. Number 111 is the Triune. Ranks 110 and 100 are always empty. Ranks 101 through 109 are limited to a single Fellow. With the Triune, these ranks make up the Dexad, though as often the nine Fellows from 101 through 109 are known as the Dexad. Fellows advance from 101 to Triune in order of precedence. Three Fellows only occupy Rank 99. When a vacancy occurs in the Dexad, usually by reason of death, surviving Fellows elect one of die three 99s to fill the vacancy. From the three Fellows in Rank 98, one is elected to Rank 99. Similarly, Fellows advance up the ranks from 90. Below 90, there is no limit upon the Fellows allowed into each rank. To achieve Rank 89 is difficult. To attain Rank 99 is much more difficult. A Fellow elected to Rank 101 has a good chance of becoming Triune. This is not necessarily true in Rank 99, where a Fellow who has made enemies among the Dexad may never be advanced. Maxel Rackrose paused to allow Gersen to reflect upon the implications of his information. Gersen studied the photograph, which he already knew in minute detail. A startling suspicion formed in Gersen's mind, an idea strange and terrible, "Ten faces; could it be the Dexad?" "The same idea occurred to me," said Rackrose. Gersen reflected a moment. Rackrose knew nothing of the charnay poisonings, nor did he realize that number six was Howard Alan Treesong. He asked, "Who ranks highest locally?" Rackrose frowned toward the ceiling. "There's a hermit out on Boniface who is supposed to rank high. I've heard he's in the Dexad. If so, this picture would not seem to be the Dexad, because there's no one here from Boniface." "Who ranks high in Pontefract?" "I'm not sure. Let me ask Condo; he knows such things." Rackrose spoke into the communicator using a soft voice only a trifle louder than a whisper. He made notes on a pad of pale pink paper. "Good enough." He turned back to Gersen with a page torn from his pad. "Her name is Leta Goynes. She lives at seventeen Flaherty Crescent, out in Bray, and she might be as high as a sixty or sixty-five." Gersen took the address to his own small office, which was far less splendid than that of Maxel Rackrose. At his communicator he placed a call. A moment passed, then an unemphatic female voice spoke. "Leta Goynes here." "I'm sorry to disturb you at this late hour, Mrs. Goynes. My name is Kirth Gersen, and I want to consult you on a matter of great importance." "Now?" "Unfortunately yes. It's Institute business of extreme urgency. If you'll allow me, I'll come directly out to your house." "Where are you now?" "At the Cosmopolis offices." "Take Transit to Bray Junction; a cab will bring you out to Flaherty Crescent." As Gersen approached the cottage at 17 Flaherty Crescent, the door slid back; backlighted in the opening stood a dark-haired woman, sturdy, solid, and obviously in good physical condition. She gave Gersen a cursory inspection and stood back. Gersen entered; the door closed behind him. "This way," said Leta Goynes, and led him to a neat parlor. "Tea?" "Yes, please." She poured and handed Gersen a cup. "Sit anywhere you like." "Thank you." Gersen seated himself; Leta Goynes remained standing, a rather handsome woman in her early maturity, her black hair cut close to her head, her eyes dark and direct under strong black eyebrows. "There is no Kirth Gersen known to Cosmopolis." "For a good reason. I call myself Henry Lucas, Special Writer." "You are a Fellow?" "No longer. At Phase eleven I discovered that the Institute and I often worked at odds with each other." Leta Goynes, smiling faintly, inclined her head in a terse nod. "So then?" Gersen handed her the contest photograph. "Have you seen this? It appeared in Extant." "I haven't seen it before." "What do you make of it?" "Nothing particular." "You recognize no one?" "No one." "It might well be the Dexad. Artemus Gadouth is this gentleman. He is Triune, as I suppose you are aware." Leta Goynes nodded. "I've never met him." "This is Sharrod Yest ... Dianthe de Trembuscule ... Beatrice Utz, rank one hundred three ... lan Bilfred ... This gentleman calls himself Sparkhammer ... Sabor Vidol, rank ninety-nine ... John Gray ... Gadouth ... Gieselman, rank one hundred six ... Robun Martiletto." Gersen paused. Leta Goynes said, "This is not the entire Dexad. There are three persons--those numbers five, six, and seven--who are probably ninety-nine. Last month we lost Eimo Shookey. This banquet precedes, so I presume, the elevation of a ninety-nine." "The elevation may not have occurred," said Gersen. "All except number six were poisoned by charnay." Leta Goynes's face became cool and faintly scornful. "The Institute is not only strong; it is flexible. Normal adjustments are being made." "In this case the adjustment will not be so easy. The survivor, number six, poisoned the others. His name is Howard Alan Treesong." Leta Goynes stared at the photograph. "That is terrible information--if it is true. And I see that it must be true... . How did he gain rank ninety-nine?" "Through fraud, extortion, fear, mind bending--so I suppose. Certainly he never rose through the ranks. But a more important question: What members of the Dexad are missing from the picture? And where are these members?" Leta Goynes managed a harsh cold laugh. "Under the circumstances that becomes highly important information." "True. And I might be one of Treesong's colleagues." "Or Treesong himself." Gersen handed her Jehan Addels's business card. "Telephone this man. He is a local resident of good reputation. Ask him whatever you like about me." Leta Goynes went to the communicator. "First I will ask someone about Jehan Addels." She made a set of guarded inquiries, watching Gersen meanwhile from the corner of her eye. Then she telephoned Jehan Addels. After some delay he responded, displeased that his rest had been disturbed. Gersen spoke to him: "This lady is Leta Goynes. Answer any questions she cares to ask." Leta Goynes questioned Addels for fifteen minutes, then slowly turned away from the communicator. She had gradually resumed that manner typical of the Institute's upper ranks: a serene and exasperating indifference to events, including personal convenience. "Addels gives you a remarkable reputation." She thoughtfully sipped her tea, then spoke in a pensive voice: "The Institute tends to ignore ordinary social problems, even criminals as egregious as Howard Treesong. Still ... " Leta Goynes set her chin. "I will give you your information. Three of the Dexad are not present in the photograph. They are one hundred one, one hundred two, and one hundred seven. The death of one hundred seven was the occasion for the conclave, one hundred one lives in isolation on Boniface, at a place called Athmore Violet, in the wildest part of World's Moil. His name is Dwyddion and he is our Triune, although he may not know it, since he sees no one and refuses to communicate." "And what of one hundred two?" Leta Goynes smiled a strange crooked smile. "His name is Benjamin Wroke. He drowned in the Shanaro Sea. Last week his body was washed up on the beach at Cele, which is near Wild Isle." ? From Everyman's Guide to the Stars: Vega; Alpha Lyrae: ... The three inner planets, Padraic, Mona, Noaille, are cinders of scorched stone, baking in the austere glare of the Great White Star. Noaille holds one face steady to Vega, and is noteworthy for the rains of liquid mercury which fall on the dark side, flow to the hot side where they vaporize, and return to the dark side. Next are the inhabited worlds: Aloysius, Boniface, and Cuthbert. Cuthbert is humid and unpleasantly marshy, with few areas comfortably habitable, in part due to the numerous insects which give Cuthbert its sobriquet: "Bug Hunter's Paradise." Aloysius is next in orbit, temperate, if damp, and most densely populated of the Vegan worlds. The early history of Aloysius is dominated by rivalry between religious sects; the effects of the hatred and warfare so engendered persist to the present, most especially in the countryside, in the form of provincial suspiciousness. The cities Pontefract, New Wexford, Yeo are relatively cosmopolitan. Boniface, outermost and largest of the habitable worlds, is gloomy, dank, and like a caricature of the other two, exaggerating all the harshness and oddities of its sister planets. The oceans are bedeviled by awful storms, the land masses are notable for an extravagant topography: vast plains supine to the force of winds and rain; mountains, caves, crags, chasms, broad rivers flowing from sea to sea. Here and there the land allows habitation, though never ease or comfort. From earliest times the shrewd and provident folk of Aloysius, wresting value from dross, used the inhospitable wastes of Boniface as a penal settlement, and here were discharged the atheists, incorrigibles, and irredeemables of the Vegan worlds. Arriving at Port Swaven, the convicts were processed at a staging compound operated by the Order of St Jedasias. A certain Abbot Nahut, through divine revelation, received instruction in a new regimen to which arriving convicts must be subjected, the better to prepare them for life on Boniface. The methods were drastic and unique. Many of the survivors suffered genetic damage which stabilized, and a new human species was thereby more or less accidentally created. These were the "Fojos," one of the curiosities of the human universe The typical Fojo was tall, with thin arms and legs, big hands and feet, gnarled heavy features, and a shock of white quills in place of hair. The Fojos became functionally the indigenous race of Boniface and migrated to all the most sheltered nooks, crannies, and lonely valleys of their harsh world. In a few little towns--Slayman, Cashel Creary, Nahutty, Kaw Doon, Fiddletown--a few ordinary men and women operate shops and agencies and perform technical services, dealing with the Fojos in a state of mutual distaste. The Order of St Jedasias is long extinct, but by one of the more acrid cosmic ironies, the Fojos still espouse a variant of the Jedasian creed, and in every little Fojo village exists a square Jedasian church. Time suddenly had become a critical factor, inasmuch as Dwyddion, hermit and new Triune, must surely represent one of Howard Treesong's "urgent affairs " Gersen made all possible haste, from Leta Govnes's cottage to the spaceport, aboard his Fantamn Flitterwing, and away into space The automatic pilot swung the boat high over Vega and down on the opposite side, to where Boniface coasted in orbit. A primitive world, with nothing of value to be plundered, looted, or kidnapped, Boniface lacked all entry controls, Gersen dropped unchallenged down to the harsh blue-black-and-white disk. Gersen searched the Vegan Gazetteer, but found only a single vague reference to Athmore Violet. The Skak Range ran diagonally across a section known as World's Moil, in the middle of St Crodecker's continent. Along the southern flanks of the Skak, the river Meaughe meandered down Meaughe Vale, where Gersen noted the town Poldoolie, which might well be a source of local information. The surface of Boniface, obscured by clouds and camouflaged by cloud shadows, revealed no obvious landmarks. Gersen oriented himself with the help of radio beacons, calculated the coordinates of the town Poldoolie, and slanted down into the heavy atmosphere. Over Meaughe Vale the sky was clear Gersen located Poldoolie, a huddle of stone structures beside a growth of purple voitch. Gersen descended in a spiral and landed the Flitterwing in a soggy meadow a quarter mile east of the town. The time was local noon Gersen stepped from the Flitterwing into a dank cold wind smelling of mud and rancid vegetation. Out from the town bounded a dozen gangling ragamuffins, the larger thrusting the smaller aside, the smaller cursing and tripping the larger. All wore dirty white smocks which they hiked up as they ran, revealing white legs and knobby knees. Their heads were narrow, their facial structures crude and gnarled Irorn each narrow scalp rose a bush of stiff white spines. The first to arrive halted two feet from Gersen and screamed: "I'm the guardian, I'm here first, the others are smashers, pay them naught! I'm Keak, for me the gautch!"* *-\ single org.mism comparable tu A gi^ntiL lichen voin-h supports a bliLk mat ten tttt thick on [BVMIV or pale gra\ stilks ntn CLLI till C ercain growths ut ^oitch are poi sonous others predatory and carnuurou'i I he benign specimens furnish food drink hber shelter and pharmaceutical-, "Gautch? What is gautch?" asked Gersen. "That is my payment. I want either five SVU or five picture books." The other boys cried out in eager voices "Give him books for gautch! Good books, with bosers! Vetch bosers!" "Bosers? What are bosers?" The question evoked strangled guffaws. Keak wiped his mouth and explained: "Bosers--with the wide areas and no clothes on. Yetch they're the good bosers!" "I see," said Gersen, "And suppose I pay neither coin nor pictures of naked bosers--then what?" "Then the smashers--those ugly chuts yonder. They'll muck up your ferberator crystals and pour stale dog piss into your air intakes. So pay up and I'll fend them off." Gersen considered "How can you control so many smashers?" "They know better than to flout me. Cukkins! Tell what I'll do to you." "Faith, and I smash so much as a twittle, he'll shove me head up my own bum. He's a scarfer, is Keak, and he knows how to do it!" Gersen nodded "Well, Keak, I see that you mean business. Still, I think I had better make sure of everyone. This way, then, around the boat, I've got fine things in the cargo hatch for lads like you." "Eh?" asked a small youth, "What sort of fine things?" "What of boser books?" asked Gersen, "Dozens of them, all rotten scurrilous!" "That's the talk!" cried Keak, "Let's have a look!" "This way." Gersen went around the ship, followed by the youths, loping and hopping. Gersen slid open the cargo port and drew down the ladder. He pointed to Keak. "First choice goes to you, quick now, I can't waste time." Keak hopped up the ladder, followed by the others, with Gersen at the rear. "There's naught for light in here," croaked Keak "Make light! Show us bosers!" "Wide arse, big udders!" Gersen touched a button, light came to the chamber, which was starkly empty. "Hey!" called Keak, "There's naught here!" Gersen grinned. "Only a clutch of young blackguards. I'm going now about my business and I'm locking you in. If you make any mess I'll fly you into the mountains and turn you out, and you won't be home for supper tonight. So mind your conduct." Gersen backed down the ladder, closed and locked the hatch. He set off across the dank meadow and presently found a lane which flanked a stagnant drainage ditch choked with magenta slime. At the outskirts of town he passed a small cottage, raised from the bog on posts. Under the porch crouched an old man, sorting rocks from a sack into three piles. Gersen called out, "Hoy! Can you direct me to Athmore Violet? I can't find it on my map." The old man merely crouched in the shadow Thinking that he had not been heard, Gersen approached. The old man threw a cloth over his rocks and, spraddling on long legs like an ungainly spider, scrambled back into the muck under his house. Gersen turned away and continued along the lane, passing another cottage, somewhat more substantial, with a black energy unit on the roof, surmounted by a religious fetish. In the gateway of the low wall stood a man wearing a tall conical hat. Gersen halted and tendered an affable greeting. "Good day, sir." "Yes, yes," replied the Fojo in a patronizing drawl. Gersen jerked a thumb toward the first cottage, "Why does the old man hide under his house?" The Fojo chuckled at Gersen's naivete, "He is a miner, isn't that clear? Those are his new ores. Look under the house, notice how his eyes gleam? He carries a byloby. Had you touched his ores he would have blown away your head and ears." "I only want information. Where is Athmore Violet? My map doesn't show it." "Naturally not. At Athmore Violet Bugardoig mines alexandrites." "I am not interested in alexandrites. I want to find a man who lives nearby. Can you direct me to Athmore Violet?" The Fojo jerked his thumb toward the town. "Bugardoig is the man to ask." "I'm in a hurry. I don't want to waste time looking for Bugardoig." "Rest easy, he will find you as soon as he notices your vessel on his water meadow, and he won't waste time." "What of yourself? Do you care to earn a hundred SVU? Help me find my friend." "Near Athmore Violet, you say. That must be the hermit of Voymont." "He is a solitary man, true." "Athmore Violet and Voymont--perilous parts, if only because of Bugardoig's mines." From inside the cottage came a hoarse voice, "Take the money, Lippold. Do as required. It is a small thing." Lippold made no acknowledgment of the advice. Apparently he had lost interest in Gersen and stood staring serenely off across Meaughe Vale. Overhead the sky broke apart and Vega darted light of resplendent clarity across the landscape. Objects came alive with color swamp gorse in maroon and ocher, the mountains behind Poldoolie blue-black and white; the voitch, purple, with an inexplicable blue-green umbra below. The clouds closed like a trap, Vega-light was gone. Lippold stood unmoved by the sudden splendor and its equally abrupt disappearance. Gersen turned away and continued toward the town--an irregular huddle of stone huts, sties, stables, and sheds, a dozen shops and agencies, a tavern, a squat Jedasian church. Above, clouds from east and west collided. They swirled and churned, rain began to fall. Gersen looked over his shoulder, Lippold, in a blur of rain, stood as before. Gersen ran into town and took shelter under the eaves of a shuttered mechanic's shop. Only the tavern seemed open for business. Gersen waited a moment. The rain continued to fall in gray sheets, momentarily illuminated with flashes of lightning. Gersen saw tall figures loping through the drench toward the tavern, pausing at the door to shake and kick off the wet, then enter. For a moment the rain paused. During the lull Gersen ran up the street to the tavern. He entered a long room, with a counter to one side, benches and tables to the other. A line of high windows with panes of yellow mica allowed a dreary light into the room At the tables sat groups of Fojos, hunched over cups of mulled liquor. The pungence of hot brew mingling with the sour steam of wet clothes and damp flesh brought a twitch to Gersen's nostrils. As he advanced into the room, all conversation halted and all heads turned and rows of milk blue eyes scrutinized Gersen. Each man wore a stocking cap pulled down over his spike of hair, similar caps hung on poles beside each table. Gersen nodded politely to the company and went to the counter. The barman, wiping great hands on the dirty towel tied around his stomach, approached. "What is your want?" "I'd like a few words with someone named Bugardoig," said Gersen "Is the gentleman here at the moment?" "There's no Alois Bugardoig here, and what are you needing from him that you wouldn't be better without? And will you not wear a hat? Where's your manners?" "Sorry, I don't own a hat." "No matter, you'd look a silly jape with the prut hanging past your cheek like a spent coigel. Aha, who is this?" Into the tavern lumbered a man, thick and heavy, with slit pale blue eyes almost closed by bulging apple-red cheeks. He went to a pole, took off a "prut," and with a deft twist brought it down over his spike of hair. Gersen turned to the barman. "Is that Bugardoig?" "Ha-ha! That's cause for laughter, or--should you be Bugardoig--a great twinge of rage That is Looke Hollop, and he empties the town swill. Notice his arms He's a strong man, is Hollop, but never like Bugardoig. Are you drinking? Do you like our boiled twirps?" "What else do you serve?" "Little else It's good enough for us, are you for fluting and luting with your nose over our good twirps?" "Never," said Gersen, "Be good enough to serve me a portion." "Well said. Jocko! A battern of twirps for this outlander. And here, since I'm taking pity on you, let me wrangle up a semblance of decency for your head." The barman stuffed paper into a soiled and oily prut and pulled it down over Gersen's brow, so that the stuffed part wobbled first to one side, then the other. "Not good," said the barman, "but better, especially since your business is with Alois Bugardoig, who is a rare stickler for the niceties of life, in fact, he's sworn never to harm another man on the Holy Day, can you believe it? Some declare he's only that much worse other days. Oh, worry, who is this?" Into the tavern came a Fojo with a great barrel chest and a face splayed and gnarled like a jungle fungus. Gersen asked, "Is that Bugardoig?" "Him? Never That's Shirmis Poddle. Shirmis, what's it to be? The usual?" "The usual, since there's naught better. I wonder where is my brat? He should have been out back addling the deckers and not a flap of his shirttail. Well, no matter. It's his bones I'll bruise and not my own." The barman slid across a jar of heavily spiced twirps. "Drink in joy, Shirmis. Today so far has been quiet." "Is that surly thing on his way? Or will I have a moment's peace?" "Only the High Eye sees so far. Hush! Do you hear him now?" Shirmis again looked toward the door. "That's only thunder. Still"--he raised his jar and drank--"you've roused my nerves. I'm away for places more serene." The barman watched him depart and gave a sad shake of the head. "Fear is a strange sense and can't be explained. Ah then, is that yet thunder, or is it Bugardoig shaking his leg?" A Fojo entered the tavern, his shoulders tilling the doorway. Twin buttresses of ropy muscle arched up to support his jaw, so that the head seemed more narrow than the neck. His mouth was a gash, his nose a jut of cartilage. Gersen looked to the barman. "And there ...?" "There you see Bugardoig, and today he has flame in his eye. Someone has treated him poorly, and it may be hard for all of us. Is your prut on straight?" "I hope so. What does he drink?" "The usual and several more like it." "Serve up a double order." Gersen turned toward Bugardoig, who stood looking among the patrons of the tavern with an air of glowering purpose. Turning toward the bar he took notice of Gersen, and gave an exaggerated jerk of displeasure. "And what is this here, with hat askew and face like a gargoyle?" "A friend in Pontefract asked me to seek you out. He suggested that I put down my ship in your water meadow, as you are notoriously generous. Incidentally, I have ordered a double portion of liquor on your behalf." Bugardoig lifted one mug in his right hand, drained it; he took the second mug in his left hand, poured it down his throat with equal facility, and set the empty containers back on the counter. "And so to business. Since I make no exceptions, pay me now and at once a hundred SVU for landing fees, demurrage, and berthing for the month." "First, let us discuss a larger matter," said Gersen. "Have you a few hours to spare at this moment?" "On what kind of business?" "Profitable business." "Explain yourself." "Near Athmore Violet lives an important man whom we must visit at once." "Eh? Who is this? The crazy hermit on Voymont?" "He is not altogether crazy," said Gersen. "In fact, he has recommended you as most qualified to take me to Voymont, since your properties are nearby." Bugardoig uttered a great boom of laughter. "Not so nearby that I care to risk my life on Voymont. So pay me my fee and go to Voymont alone. If you approach Arthmore Violet, expect my intense displeasure." Gersen nodded slowly. "Well then, come along to my boat; I carry no money on my person." Bugardoig contorted his face into an astonished scowl. "Must I plod the wet marsh because you have been fool enough to forget your money?" "Whatever you like," said Gersen. "Wait here. I will go for the money and bring it to you." "Ha!" roared Bugardoig. "I am not to be tricked so readily. Come; if I must, I must. To your ship, and I will collect a surcharge of ten SVU." "Hold a moment!" bawled the barman. "I want a three-piece* for the liquor!" *A coin worth three-quarters of an SVU. Gersen put a coin on the counter and signaled to Bugardoig. "Let us hurry before the rain returns." Bugardoig grumbled under his breath, then followed Gersen from the tavern. They walked back along the lane under a plum-colored sky, past the cottage where Lippold stood as before, past the hut of the miner, who was nowhere to be seen, and out upon Bugardoig's water meadow. They approached the Flitterwing. Gersen said to Bugardoig: "Wait here. I will jump aboard and fetch the money." "Don't waste my time with foolishness!" said Bugardoig. "Open up. You won't stray beyond the clutch of my fingernails until I heft what is due me." "The Fojos are a suspicious race," said Gersen. He climbed the ladder and opened the port, with Bugardoig close at his heels. "This way," said Gersen. At the after bulkhead of the saloon he slid open a door, gestured to Bugardoig. "Through here." Bugardoig shoved impatiently past and into the cargo hold; Gersen slid the door shut and engaged the clamps, even as Bugardoig realized his error and hurled himself against the door. Gersen pressed his ear to the panel and heard strident voices. Grinning, he went to the controls, took the boat into the air, and flew away up Meaughe Vale. Below, the river moved south like a sullen gray snake through terraces splotched with various sorts of vegetation: gray goiter bush, purple voitch, pale green wax plant, black smuttrees. Minarets of pink and yellow land-coral thrust a hundred feet into the air; poisonous orange smears delineated colonies of wandering musk. Ten miles slid behind. Gersen dropped the boat upon a meadow of broad-leaved silver-grass. He alighted from the boat and walked to the cargo hatch and slid it open, lowered the ladder. He called, "Keak! Keak! Speak up!" A surly voice replied: "What do you want?" "How much mess have you created?" A short pause; then in airy tones, cracking up into falsetto: "I personally? Nothing of consequence." "Keak! Listen carefully--very carefully indeed! I am now about to let the brats go free. All but you. We will look over the cargo hatch. If conditions offend me, I will carry you two hundred miles into the mountains. There you, and you alone, will scour that cargo hatch until it glistens and smells sweet as the roses of Kew. Then you will go your way and I will go mine." Keak's voice came somewhat tremulously: "Conditions are tolerably good. I notice a bit of mess here and there--" "You had better clean it now, while you still command help, and while you are still close to home." "We have no cleaning stuffs." "There is water in the meadow. Use your shirts." Keak uttered a furious spate of barking orders. The boys came blinking and winking down the ladder. Then appeared a pair of massive legs, next a great torso, and finally the head of Alois Bugardoig. At the base of the ladder he halted to stare at Gersen, his cheeks pulsing in and out, his mouth a giant scarlet polyp. Slowly he hunched his shoulders and started for Gersen, who burnt a line of crackling dazzle almost across Bugardoig's toes. "Don't provoke me," said Gersen. "I'm in a hurry." Bugardoig drew back a pace, his face flushed and dismal. Gersen waved the gun toward Keak. "Faster! Remember how fast you ran out from town?" Half an hour later Gersen took the boat aloft, leaving a disconsolate group of shirtless boys staring up after him. As he watched they turned and, tucking elbows against skinned white chests, loped off down the valley. Bugardoig now sat in the saloon, a cord limiting his scope of action. Knots of muscle played up and down his cheeks; his eyes showed as cracks of blue glitter. Bugardoig clearly was not one to show a tolerant or even fatalistic face to adversity. Gersen took the ship high under the first fleeting layers of cloud. He turned to Bugardoig. "Are you acquainted with Dwyddion?" "The hermit? Certainly I know him. He lives over Voymont from Athmore Violet. Have I not said he was crazy?" "Crazy or not, we've got to get him away from Voymont or he'll be killed." "And this is important?" "Quite important. So, where is Voymont from here?" "Yonder. Across the Skak." "And what are the landmarks?" Bugardoig uttered a rasping groan. "All, the inconveniences I owe this evil yetch and his gun ... What if I am struck down by lightning?" "That then will be your fate." Bugardoig heaved himself erect and looked out the ports. "Go west and a slarsh-tit* north. Voymont is beyond those three sharp peaks. Notice that black shadow? That's the Pritz, across from Voymont, with Airy Gulch between. Notice the devil's-light! Ah, there's weird tricks along the Pritz!" *Sl.irsh^ Fojo renii tor a pre.idolesc-'em girl. Slarsb-dt is a vulgar colli.iqui,iliM]i for "trifling .imounr," or "ro an .ilmusr negligible degree." Gersen took the Flutterwing high, across ascending ramparts of dreary black rock, and over an awesome badlands of crag and crevasse. To the west loomed the Pritz. Lightning flashes up and down its face became ever more noticeable. A jumble of confused ridges passed below, which Bugardoig named in a despondent voice: "The Shaggeth ... Morney's Tooth, and yonder, Athmore Violet ... Hunckertown Trabble, with a bore of palladium ... Mount Lucasta; there's the head of Poorleg's River ... Now the Vovmont ..." The Flitterwing cruised out over an enormous gulch, with a silver trickle of water far below. "Below is Airy Gulch," said Bugardoig. The Flitterwing hovered and settled slowly. From churning clouds spasms of lightning clawed the Pritz. Gersen asked in a voice unconsciously taut: "Where is Dwyddion?" "Lower your vessel into Old Airy ... There, yonder, the ledge, where only a madman would live." Gersen slid the Flitterwing close to the Voymont, settled through gusts of wind. Bugardoig pointed a red-knuckled finger, "There, Dwyddion's house. I now have done my undertaking; take me back to Poldoolie." "We'll stop only long enough to make sure of Dwyddion." "Bah," grumbled Bugardoig. "I am tempted to pound your head with my fist, gun or no gun." "Be patient," said Gersen. "We will not be long. In fact, the faster the better." The Flitterwing drifted close to the mountainside. Dwyddion's house was a simple structure: a block of welded stone and glass, perched precariously on a ledge. To the north the ledge had been widened by an artful piling and wedging of large boulders, creating first a viaduct a hundred feet long, then a small shallow landing area: a place open and exposed to view. South of the house the ledge became a path leading to a cramped level place in the angle of a crevice. Here sat a small black flier, and beyond, half excavated into the stone, a structure which Gersen assumed to be a workshop. This area was concealed and unobtrusive. He lowered the Flutteriving to a landing behind Dwyddion's black flier. Bugardoig made a sneering criticism of Gersen's choice of landing place. "Are you yetch so foolish? Why do you not use the convenient area? Is it too easy and obvious an operation?" Gersen replied in a measured voice: "A criminal is coming to kill Dwyddion. I don't want him to know that I'm here." Bueardoier gave a rattling snort of derision. Gersen opened the port and jumped to the ground. "I can't leave you alone in front of those controls," he told Bugardoig. "Something strange might happen. You'd better come along with me." Bugardoig folded his massive arms. "I stay here." "Right now!" said Gersen. "There's no time to waste." "For crazy yetch business any time is a waste," growled Bugardoig. "Get along with you." "Then it's the cargo hatch for you." "No." Gersen held out his hands. "Watch me." He jerked his right bicep; into his hand as if by magic appeared a projac. "You know what I can do with this." He jerked his left bicep and displayed that complicated weapon known as a dedactor. "Is this familiar to you? No? It discharges three sorts of glass needles. The mildest causes a maddening itch of three weeks' duration. I will use ten needles on you unless you make a very quick move to the cargo hatch." "At last you persuade me," said Bugardoig. He groaned, belched, and with maddening deliberation lowered his bulk to the ground. "I'll go with you and watch your tricks." Gersen looked around the sky. "Let's make haste." He set off along the ledge with Bugardoig ambling behind. A door at the back of Dwyddion's house slid ajar; in the shadow stood a tall thin man. He took a step forward and his features became clear; a dome of a forehead with a high receding mat of dust-colored hair, black eyes brooding in shadowed eye sockets, gaunt cheeks, a delicate pointed chin: a face implying great intellectual force and a cheerless disposition. He inspected his visitors without amiability. Gersen halted. "You are Dwyddion?" "I am he." Dwyddion's voice was deep. "Do not the terms of this place suggest my earnest desire for solitude?" "Death is also solitary. You must listen carefully as we have very little time. I am Kirth Gersen; this is Alois Bugardoig, a gentleman of Poldoolie, who consented to guide me here." "To what purpose?" Gersen again searched the sky, and again saw only dark overcast and low clouds whirling down the wind. A gust howled across the mountainside, pelting their faces with drops ot half-frozen rain. Dwyddion made an impatient sound, hunched his head between his shoulders, and retreated into his house. Gersen and Bugardoig followed, with the poorest possible grace Dwyddion allowed them to pass. They had come directly into the main room of the house. Gersen received an impression of austere proportions, neutral colors, humorless and marginally comfortable furnishings. The message of the room was ambiguous. Here might be the expression of Dwyddion's personality, his overview of existence, or he might simply have subordinated the room to the view from its wide windows, the vast gulch blowing with winds and mists, the Pritz, and the incessant play of purple-white lightning. Dwyddion spoke coldly "Again may I inquire the reason for your intrusion?" "Certainly You were notified in regard to a recent conclave of the Dexad at Wild Isle?" "Yes I chose not to attend. In discussions I find myself consistently a minority of one, and my presence seems unnecessary." Gersen held out his photograph "You know all these men?" "Of course." "And this person here?" "He is Silas Sparkhammer, a ninety-nine. I consider him intelligent, spontaneous, extremely inventive, and totally unsuitable for the Dexad." "I agree entirely," said Gersen "His name, incidentally, is Howard Alan Treesong. He poisoned the Triune and the entire Dexad with charnay. There were two exceptions--Benjamin Wroke, whom he drowned, and you, who must now be considered the new Triune. Upon your death, Treesong becomes Triune, and he is now on his way here to murder you." Dwyddion stared, blinking from the photograph to Gersen. "All are dead?" "All." "Ha hum. I find this simply incredible." "No doubt. It is shocking news. But we have no time to waste. You must come with us--" Gersen gestured toward the door, Dwyddion drew back. "I know nothing, I have no facts. I cannot act so abruptly. Who, then, are you?" "I'll tell you everything as soon as we're away from here. Come now!" Dwyddion gave his head a fretful shake, "No, of course not. This is sheer hysteria! I can't--" Gersen gestured to Bugardoig. "Seize this fellow, carry him out!" With Dwyddion safe and out of the way on the Flitterwing, an ambush of Howard Treesong would become feasible. With luck, the affair could be brought to its finish on this very day. Bugardoig blinked, then advanced upon Dwyddion, who cried out in a choked voice of outrage, "Stand back!" He flailed out with his fists as Bugardoig stepped forward. Bugardoig uttered a grunt of annoyance for the foolish position in which he found himself. He seized Dwyddion, slung him aloft and over his shoulder. Bugardoig growled at Gersen: "And what now? I am bored with this nonsense." Gersen opened the door. "Carry him to the ship, and quickly. It's a thankless task, agreed." Bugardoig stalked out upon the ledge with Gersen close behind. Three men who had been advancing upon the house stopped short. The person on the left was sleek as a seal in a suit of black velvet. His face was round and white and distinguished by an ornate artificial nose wrought from gold filigree. At the center stood Howard Alan Treesong, wearing green trousers, plum red coat, flapping black cape, and black cheese-slice hat. To the right a chisel-faced man with a black skin and black beard stared at Bugardoig in wonder. Treesong called out in a quick gay voice, "Hola! What goes on here?" Gersen brought forth the projac. He aimed at Treesong only to find Bugardoig in front of him. Leaning aside, he pulled the trigger, the bolt struck into Treesong's long taut thigh. Treesong whirled to the ground in a flutter of his black cape. Gersen dropped to his knee and fired again, but Treesong had slid over the edge of the viaduct, and lay among the boulders, where he gave vent to a set of peculiar many-voiced outcries. Gersen fired at the black-skinned man and killed him just as he aimed his own weapon. Gold-nose, dropping to the ground, fired a bolt which tore open Bugardoig's great corded neck. Bugardoig toppled like a tree and fell upon Dwyddion, who fretfully pulled himself free and crawled away, while Bugardoig lay pumping vivid red blood across the stones. Gersen fired again. Gold-nose jerked, cursed, rolled over the edge of the viaduct. Gersen rose to stand in a wary crouch, watching for motion. Treesong had halted his remarkable multi-vocal yammer; Gersen ran a few steps forward and searched over the declivity, hoping to surprise Treesong. He saw nothing. Treesong had evidently taken shelter behind a squat boulder of gneiss. Gersen ran crouching across the viaduct. He saw motion and dropped flat. A bolt sizzled through the air a foot above his head. Gersen fired his projac; rock splinters sprayed the head and neck of Gold-nose, who screamed in pain. He lost his footing and slipped down the slope. Gersen watched in fascination as Gold-nose rolled, slid, and tumbled, slowly gathering momentum to become a toppling limp object, bounding, rolling, falling free to strike the rock walls, glance away, and disappear into the murk. Gersen clambered back upon the viaduct, in time to see a smalt airboat raise from the landing-plat and slant into the sky. Howard Alan Treesong had not taken shelter behind the boulder; he had crawled back through the rocks and so had made his escape. For ten seconds Gersen stared after the airboat. So near, and now so far. His intrigues and strategems gone for naught, and poor Bugardoig a corpse, now drained of blood. He turned to Dwyddion, who stood to the side, watching Gersen with an unreadable expression. "Get into the ship," said Gersen gruffly. "We've got to leave here in a hurry." "I see no reason--" Gersen put his anger and frustration under icy control. "That was Howard Alan Treesong. He came to kill you. He used a ship's boat. Somewhere not too high hangs his ship; in fact it's already dropping to pick him up. As soon as he's aboard, the ship will destroy your house and us as well, if we are fools enough to wait." Dwyddion gave a fatalistic shrug, but made no further protest. The Flitterwing rose into the sky and flew off to the west. Down from the clouds eased a dark hull, toward Voymont. "There's his ship. We're not away too soon." "I understand none of this," gloomed Dywddion. "It is an outrage that I, who seek only seclusion, should be harassed, coerced, and inconvenienced!" "Sad," said Gersen. "Still, if it's any satisfaction to you--and to Bugardoig--we have blown Treesong's master plan sky-high, and we have also shot him in the leg." "What plan is this?" "With you dead, he would have become Triune. He's already tried for the IPCC and failed--although the way is still open to him. He rules the criminals of all the major worlds. There is his power base. In ten years he would be emperor of the Oikumene." "Humm ... At Pontefract, before the day is out, I'll appoint a new Dexad. The man is a megalomaniac!" "He is all of that." Gersen reflected upon Howard Treesong's outcries in what seemed a multitude of voices. "He is something very strange indeed." Three recollections, vivid beyond all others, in connection with Dwyddion's house on the Voymont persisted with Gersen to haunt him all the days of his life. First, the Pntz itself, hunched to the attack of a thousand furious lightning bolts, and Airy Gulch, reverberating to wind and thunder. Second, the corpse of Bugardoig, face astounded by the unthinkable tragedy which had overtaken him, his topknot daubed red with his own blood. The third recollection, strange and marvelous, would be the many-voiced babble of lamentations and threats produced by Howard Treesong as he lay among the rocks. "-by the sibyls of Hades, such pain!" "-no matter, no matter-" "-that mad dog; who knows him?" "Not I " "Nor I." "Enough! Elhur padache!" "Staunch Green!" The Flitterwing once again swung high around Vega. Dwyddion sat stiff and resentful, mouth drooping, face glum. Presently he began to turn sidelong glances toward Gersen. But Gersen sat in silence, occupied with his own problems. At last Dwyddion broke the silence. In a dignified voice he said, "I would be interested in learning the reason for your involvement in this business." "There's no great mystery," said Gersen. "I hold something of a grudge against Treesong. It's as simple as that." Dwyddion managed a sour chuckle. "Something of a grudge, eh? What occurs when you're seriously offended? ... Well, no matter, I suppose I should feel grateful to you." "Probably so." "Ah, you concur. Then allow me formally to tender my gratitude... . I may have been solitary tor too long a time. For a fact, with the Dexad destroyed, I have no further cause for isolation. The secret now is known only to me." Dwyddion sat musing and twitching his long white fingers. Now that he had started talking he found it hard to contain his loquacity. "You probably wonder why I chose isolation. From bitterness and disillusionment--there is the answer. Or, if you prefer, I learned 'the Secret.' Perhaps I was callow, perhaps naive--but no one had ever faulted my zeal. There was never such a swotsman.* I was very early selected as an 'Exemplar' and cited for my 'nobility and ease'; I spent all my time at monstrances and on walking tours. I've trudged a thousand landscapes, I've exhorted countless granges. The places T've seen' Berenskaya, Kotop, the Long Hills, Old Home and Prairie Lands, the Green Star Swantees, the Polders of Pedder-Dulah: I've walked them all' I was |ailed at Chlodie on Marskens; the Factors of Pollardich on Copus shaved my head, I became resident Thwarterman at Vasconcelles. Perhaps you recall the crusade against electric sports in Mira, on the south continent ot Alphanor? What is its name?" *Institute argut