DRAGONLANCE® Preludes \folumeThree Brothers Majere Copyright *1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thi> book i» protected under the copy tight law* of die United Stale* of America. Any reproduction or other iinanthoroed me of tbe material or artwotfc contained herein it prohibited without the ffpmt written perrnktion of TSR, Inc. Random Houae and id affiBatr companir* hvrt worldwide dhtribulion rifhu in the book trade for Engti*h language prodncti of TSR, Inc. Dktriboled to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. DiMribWed to the toy and hobby trade by regional di*tribulon. AU DRAGONLANCE character* and the diMinctive lit-^fftrt thereof are trademarks of TSR, Inc. DRAGONLANCE and DRAGON we regiweied trademark! owned by TSR, Inc. The TSR logo b * trademark owned by TSR, Inc. Fint Printmf: December 1969 Printed in the United Stain of America. Library of CongreM Catalog Card Number: 88-51720 9876543 ISBNi 048038-7764 AD characten in thi» book are fictitioul. Any rufmbhnct to actual penont, livinc or dead. • purely coincidental. TSR, Inc. TSRUA RO.Bm7Sti 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Ukc Geneva, Wl Cambridge CB1 3LB 53147 UAA. United Kintdon / was about to dedicate this book to Rett, when suddenly .... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the following people for their indispensable aid: Margaret Weis, the Queen of Darkness, whose teachings and advice are like a much-needed chocolate-covered cattle prod. Barbara Peekner, my agent, a mysterious voice at the end of the phone. My friends and other strangers, for encouragement and support. Map of .2- -V' - u Creole's estate "'i & 1 Wrightwood's estate \ / -.Raisitlinand meet Bast ^M^^M^^«^^MB^^^= 1. Cereal Crops Mereklar 23 E"^* ———— - 1 Sir 3. Vegetables 4. Sugar ^•^^BB^KES^KO^MV^ 4. Sugar .-•:.vX 5. Forage Crops (straw and alfalfa) :":/i.:{V:>:f:*i? 6. Fruits and Nuts --•x:-':'-i :/-V::'C:'-V.'7- Hyava .--.V:i:'•••••:::-Vx "-^.p/i'-V; B. Oil Crops ___ ^lll'W^.I«f " V """ '" " """"' " ^ \ * \\" ^S^ ••»'- '^3^ g Alvins estate^ SA.^^ ,.£&M* %^ I • ^^^ ..^iPlgife. :^S | Raistlin finds fight ^T Eastgate ftv-vjS/fS'S?^"" ': '• ^ ..^^ %/^. :":^^^" ! ^Shavas's Masak's estate . "<::"' Mestate i ^ \ "^ I Eanvig^^ | •meets "^ ^Catherine . . ,"*•; ^ • Manion s estate S O Barnstoke Hall Young's i y m S North Fruit or wood-bearing trees Mereklar ' :*' Path taken by twins •' --- The Black Cat Inn Encounter with thieves •f&s -- 1" Forest of Qualinesti Kharolis Mountains To Bertram, Library of Palanthas From Dalamar, Tower of High Sorcery, Palanthas Greetings, First, sir, allow me to offer my apologies for startling you and the young scribe when we encountered each other in the great library. I am so accustomed to traveling the paths of sorcery that I forget others are not used to my sudden appearances. I trust that the young scribe is, by now, fully recovered from his unfortunate tumble down the stairs. My messenger (I hope you are not too put off by its rather ghastly appearance) holds in its "hand" the manuscript which you requested. The material of which I spoke—i.e., a collection of notations written by Raistlin Majere himself concerning his early life—cannot, I am afraid, be delivered to the library. In accordance with his secretive nature, the Shalafi had cast spells of confusion over his books. These spells would not only make it difficult for you to read the books, Bertram, but might actually cause you serious harm. I have taken it upon myself, therefore, to rewrite the account. All information is complete and accurate to detail as far as I was able to determine from Raistlin's notes and Caramon Majere's memory. I searched for the ken-der, .Earwig Lockpicker, who was also a companion during several adventures, but I was unable to find him. (Needless to say, I did not look very hard!) The material is divided into two parts. The first and shorter of the pieces is titled "Raistlin and the Knight of DRA