MP - Minitues to Midnight - PDF EDITION (C) 2017 Minion Development Corp. FACEBOOK: GAME INFO: *** *** PLEASE DO NOT REPOST OR REDISTRIBUTE THESE FILES AS A LOT OF HARD WORK *** AND LOVE HAS GONE INTO THEM AND WE NEED TO EAT TOO! *** UPDATE NOTES: VERSION 1.0: 9/12/2017 - Initial Release - Please send feedback! Check our website or for new FAQ/Errata. NOTE: You will need to find physical replacements for these bits not included in the Print and Play: - 50 $1 coins, 5 $5 coins - 50 Nuke tokens and optionaly 5x nuke tokens - 6 wood disks and 6 wood cubes for each player color ABOUT THE FILES: M2M-Rules.pdf Full color rules book. 24 pages. M2M-Cover.pdf Full color art of cover for you to optionally print if you want. Boards/TMP-M2M-BuildingMarket.pdf Main game board #1 Boards/TMP-M2M-TechnologyBoard.pdf Main game board #2 Boards/TMP-M2M-WorkerBoard.pdf Main game board #3 Boards/TMP-M2M-PlayerBoard-{color} Player boards (5 colors) Cards/M2M-Nations-PnP.pdf Nations cards plus the 2 bonus nations cards Cards/M2M-PlayerAid-PnP.pdf Player rule summary cards Cards/M2M-Sub-PnP.pdf Submarine cards and decoy cards. Cards/M2M-ExpansionRules-PnP.pdf Mini KS Expansion rules on 2 cards Meeples and Tiles/M2M-PnP-Tiles.pdf Building and Plane tiles Meeples and Tiles/M2M-ScoringAidTiles.pdf Scoring info tiles. Meeples and Tiles/M2M-MeepleSheet-PnP.pdf Meeples used in the game Meeples and Tiles/M2M-ScoreOverlays.pdf Scoring Trigger Markers for the score board. Meeples and Tiles/M2M-PnP-Tiles-Expansion.pdf KS bonus mini-expansion tiles